Backlinks to SoftwaretechnikProjektAgil2012SprintBacklogs in the SE web

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SoftwaretechnikProjektAgil2012 in SE
Softwareprojekt: "Agile Softwareentwicklung in einem Open Source Projekt" Modulbeschreibung Typ: Projekt (ECTS: 10) Dozent…
SoftwaretechnikProjektAgil2012Sprint2Encoding in SE
Sprint 2 / Encoding SVN Recherche ((content)) Encodingversendung ((content))
SoftwaretechnikProjektAgil2012SprintBacklogsSprint2ProjectSharingMemorySpec in SE
Project Sharing Memory Spec Requirements * A user should be able to synchronize projetcs even when memory is sparse. Doability Analysis Is State of Project …
SoftwaretechnikProjektAgil2012SprintBacklogsSprint2Session6Spec in SE
Page SoftwaretechnikProjektAgil2012SprintBacklogsSprint2Session6Spec Session 6 Spec Requirements * A user can choose between 5 colors, which are defined in th…
4 topic(s) found