The JavaTM Web Services Tutorial


The custom tags described in this section demonstrate solutions to two recurring problems in developing JSP applications: minimizing the amount of Java programming in JSP pages and ensuring a common look and feel across applications. In doing so, they illustrate many of the styles of tags discussed in the first part of the chapter.

An Iteration Tag

Constructing page content that is dependent on dynamically generated data often requires the use of flow control scripting statements. By moving the flow control logic to tag handlers, flow control tags reduce the amount of scripting needed in JSP pages.

The Struts logic:iterate tag retrieves objects from a collection stored in a JavaBeans component and assigns them to a scripting variable. The body of the tag retrieves information from the scripting variable. While elements remain in the collection, the iterate tag causes the body to be reevaluated.

JSP Page

Two Duke's Bookstore application pages, catalog.jsp and showcart.jsp, use the logic:iterate tag to iterate over collections of objects. An excerpt from catalog.jsp is shown below. The JSP page initializes the iterate tag with a collection (named by the property attribute) of the bookDB bean. The iterate tag sets the book scripting variable on each iteration over the collection. The bookId property of the book variable is exposed as another scripting variable. Properties of both variables are used to dynamically generate a table containing links to other pages and book catalog information.

<logic:iterate name="bookDB" property="books" 
  id="book" type="database.BookDetails">
  <bean:define id="bookId" name="book" property="bookId"

  <td bgcolor="#ffffaa"> 
  <a href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>
    <strong><jsp:getProperty name="book"

  <td bgcolor="#ffffaa" rowspan=2> 
  <jsp:setProperty name="currency" property="amount"
  <jsp:getProperty name="currency" property="format"/>

  <td bgcolor="#ffffaa" rowspan=2> 
  <a href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>

  <td bgcolor="#ffffff"> 
  &nbsp;&nbsp;<%=messages.getString("By")%> <em>
    <jsp:getProperty name="book"
    <jsp:getProperty name="book"

Tag Handler

The implementation of the Struts logic:iterate tag conforms to the capabilities of the JSP version 1.1 specification, which requires you to extend the BodyTagSupport class. The JSP version 1.2 specification adds features (described in Tag Handler Does Not Interact with the Body) that simplify programming tags that iteratively evaluate their body. The following discussion is based on an implementation that uses these features.

The logic:iterate tag supports initializing the collection in several ways: from a collection provided as a tag attribute or from a collection that is a bean or a property of a bean. Our example uses the latter method. Most of the code in doStartTag is concerned with constructing an iterator over the collection object. The method first checks if the handler's collection property is set and, if not, proceeds to checking the bean and property attributes. If the name and property attributes are both set, doStartTag calls a utility method that uses JavaBeans introspection methods to retrieve the collection. Once the collection object is determined, the method constructs the iterator.

If the iterator contains more elements, doStartTag sets the value of the scripting variable to the next element and then indicates that the body should be evaluated; otherwise it ends the iteration by returning SKIP_BODY.

After the body has been evaluated, the doAfterBody method retrieves the body content and writes it to the out stream. The body content object is then cleared in preparation for another body evaluation. If the iterator contains more elements, doAfterBody again sets the value of the scripting variable to the next element and returns EVAL_BODY_AGAIN to indicate that the body should be evaluated again. This causes the reexecution of doAfterBody. When there are no remaining elements, doAfterBody terminates the process by returning SKIP_BODY.

public class IterateTag extends TagSupport {
  protected Iterator iterator = null;
  protected Object collection = null;
  protected String id = null;
  protected String name = null;
  protected String property = null;
  protected String type = null;
  public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
    Object collection = this.collection;
    if (collection == null) {
      try {
        Object bean = pageContext.findAttribute(name);
        if (bean == null) {
          ... throw an exception
        if (property == null)
          collection = bean;
          collection =
              getProperty(bean, property);
        if (collection == null) {
          ... throw an exception
      } catch 
        ... catch exceptions thrown 
          by PropertyUtils.getProperty
    // Construct an iterator for this collection
    if (collection instanceof Collection)
      iterator = ((Collection) collection).iterator();
    else if (collection instanceof Iterator)
      iterator = (Iterator) collection;
    // Store the first value and evaluate, 
    // or skip the body if none
    if (iterator.hasNext()) {
      Object element =;
      pageContext.setAttribute(id, element);
      return (EVAL_BODY_AGAIN);
    } else
      return (SKIP_BODY);
  public int doAfterBody() throws JspException {
    if (bodyContent != null) {
      try {
        JspWriter out = getPreviousOut();
      } catch (IOException e) {
    if (iterator.hasNext()) {
      Object element =;
      pageContext.setAttribute(id, element);
      return (EVAL_BODY_AGAIN);
    } else
      return (SKIP_BODY);

Tag Extra Info Class

Information about the scripting variable is provided in the IterateTei tag extra info class. The name and class of the scripting variable are passed in as tag attributes and used to fill in the VariableInfo constructor.

public class IterateTei extends TagExtraInfo {
  public VariableInfo[] getVariableInfo(TagData data) {
  String type = data.getAttributeString("type");
  if (type == null)
    type = "java.lang.Object";

  return new VariableInfo[] {
    new VariableInfo(data.getAttributeString("id"),

A Template Tag Library

A template provides a way to separate the common elements that are part of each screen from the elements that change with each screen of an application. Putting all the common elements together into one file makes it easier to maintain and enforce a consistent look and feel in all the screens. It also makes development of individual screens easier because the designer can focus on portions of a screen that are specific to that screen while the template takes care of the common portions.

The template is a JSP page with placeholders for the parts that need to change with each screen. Each of these placeholders is referred to as a parameter of the template. For example, a simple template could include a title parameter for the top of the generated screen and a body parameter to refer to a JSP page for the custom content of the screen.

The template uses a set of nested tags--definition, screen, and parameter--to define a table of screen definitions and uses an insert tag to insert parameters from a screen definition into a specific application screen.

JSP Page

The template for the Duke's Bookstore example, template.jsp, is shown below. This page includes a JSP page that creates the screen definition and then uses the insert tag to insert parameters from the definition into the application screen.

<%@ taglib uri="/tutorial-template.tld" prefix="tt" %>
<%@ page errorPage="errorpage.jsp" %>
<%@ include file="screendefinitions.jsp" %><html>
      <tt:insert definition="bookstore"
    <tt:insert definition="bookstore"
    <tt:insert definition="bookstore" 

screendefinitions.jsp creates a screen definition based on a request attribute selectedScreen:

<tt:definition name="bookstore" 
  screen="<%= (String)request.
    getAttribute(\"selectedScreen\") %>">
  <tt:screen id="/enter">
    <tt:parameter name="title" 
      value="Duke's Bookstore" direct="true"/>
    <tt:parameter name="banner" 
      value="/banner.jsp" direct="false"/>
    <tt:parameter name="body" 
      value="/bookstore.jsp" direct="false"/>
  <tt:screen id="/catalog">
    <tt:parameter name="title" 

The template is instantiated by the Dispatcher servlet. Dispatcher first gets the requested screen and stores it as an attribute of the request. This is necessary because when the request is forwarded to template.jsp, the request URL doesn't contain the original request (for example, /bookstore3/catalog) but instead reflects the path (/bookstore3/template.jsp) of the forwarded page. Finally, the servlet dispatches the request to template.jsp:

public class Dispatcher extends HttpServlet {
  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, 
      HttpServletResponse response) {
    RequestDispatcher dispatcher =
    if (dispatcher != null)
      dispatcher.forward(request, response);
  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, 
        HttpServletResponse response) {
    RequestDispatcher dispatcher =
    if (dispatcher != null)
      dispatcher.forward(request, response);

Tag Handlers

The template tag library contains four tag handlers--DefinitionTag, ScreenTag, ParameterTag, and InsertTag--that demonstrate the use of cooperating tags. DefinitionTag, ScreenTag, and ParameterTag comprise a set of nested tag handlers that share public and private objects. DefinitionTag creates a public object named definition that is used by InsertTag.

In doStartTag, DefinitionTag creates a public object named screens that contains a hash table of screen definitions. A screen definition consists of a screen identifier and a set of parameters associated with the screen.

public int doStartTag() {
  HashMap screens = null;
  screens = (HashMap) pageContext.getAttribute("screens", 
  if (screens == null)
    pageContext.setAttribute("screens", new HashMap(), 

The table of screen definitions is filled in by ScreenTag and ParameterTag from text provided as attributes to these tags. Table 15-6 shows the contents of the screen definitions hash table for the Duke's Bookstore application

Table 15-6 Screen Definitions 
Screen Id
Duke's Bookstore
Book Catalog
Book Description
Shopping Cart

In doEndTag, DefinitionTag creates a public object of class Definition, selects a screen definition from the screens object based on the URL passed in the request, and uses it to initialize the Definition object.

public int doEndTag()throws JspTagException {
  try {
    Definition definition = new Definition();
    HashMap screens = null;
    ArrayList params = null;
    TagSupport screen = null;
    screens = (HashMap) 
    if (screens != null)
      params = (ArrayList) screens.get(screenId);
    if (params == null)
    Iterator ir = null;
    if (params != null)
      ir = params.iterator();
    while ((ir != null) && ir.hasNext())
      // put the definition in the page context
      definitionName, definition);
  } catch (Exception ex) {
  return EVAL_PAGE;

If the URL passed in the request is /enter, the Definition contains the items from the first row of Table 15-6:

Duke's Bookstore

The definition for the URL /enter is shown in Table 15-7. The definition specifies that the value of the Title parameter, Duke's Bookstore, should be inserted directly into the output stream, but the values of Banner and Body should be dynamically included.

Table 15-7 Screen Definition for the URL /enter 
Parameter Name
Parameter Value
Duke's Bookstore

InsertTag uses Definition to insert parameters of the screen definition into the response. In the doStartTag method, it retrieves the definition object from the page context.

public int doStartTag() {
  // get the definition from the page context
  definition = (Definition) pageContext.
  // get the parameter
  if (parameterName != null && definition != null)
    parameter = (Parameter)definition.
  if (parameter != null)
    directInclude = parameter.isDirect();
  return SKIP_BODY;

The doEndTag method inserts the parameter value. If the parameter is direct, it is directly inserted into the response; otherwise, the request is sent to the parameter, and the response is dynamically included into the overall response.

public int doEndTag()throws JspTagException {
  try {
    if (directInclude && parameter != null)
    else {
      if ((parameter != null) && 
        (parameter.getValue() != null))
  } catch (Exception ex) {
    throw new JspTagException(ex.getMessage());
  return EVAL_PAGE;

How Is a Tag Handler Invoked?

The Tag interface defines the basic protocol between a tag handler and a JSP page's servlet. It defines the life cycle and the methods to be invoked when the start and end tags are encountered.

The JSP page's servlet invokes the setPageContext, setParent, and attribute setting methods before calling doStartTag. The JSP page's servlet also guarantees that release will be invoked on the tag handler before the end of the page.

Here is a typical tag handler method invocation sequence:

ATag t = new ATag();

The BodyTag interface extends Tag by defining additional methods that let a tag handler access its body. The interface provides three new methods:

A typical invocation sequence is:

out = pageContext.pushBody();
// perform any initialization needed after body content is set
// while doAfterBody returns EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED we 
// iterate body evaluation

This tutorial contains information on the 1.0 version of the Java Web Services Developer Pack.

All of the material in The Java Web Services Tutorial is copyright-protected and may not be published in other works without express written permission from Sun Microsystems.