The JavaTM Web Services Tutorial

Managing Registry Data

You use the Submissions pane to add organizations to the registry.

To go to the Submissions pane, click the Submissions tab.

Adding an Organization

To add an organization, use the Organization panel on the left side of the Submissions pane.

Use the Organization Information fields as follows:

Use the Primary Contact Information fields as follows:

Note: With the Registry Server, none of these fields is required; it is possible (though not advisable) to add an organization that has no data. With the IBM and Microsoft registries, an organization must have a name.

For information on adding or removing classifications, see Adding and Removing Classifications.

Adding Services to an Organization

To add information about an organization's services, Use the Services panel on the right side of the Submissions pane.

To add a service, click the Add Services button in the toolbar. A subpanel for the service appears in the Services panel. Click the Add Services button more than once to add more services in the Services panel.

Each service subpanel has the following components:

Use these components as follows:

Adding Service Bindings to a Service

To add service bindings for a service, click the Edit Bindings button in a service subpanel in the Submissions pane. The Edit ServiceBindings dialog box appears.

If there are no existing service bindings when the dialog box first appears, it contains an empty Service Bindings panel and two buttons, Add Binding and Done. If the service already has service bindings, the Service Bindings panel contains a subpanel for each service binding.

Click Add Binding to add a service binding. Click Add Binding more than once to add multiple service bindings.

After you click Add Binding, a new service binding subpanel appears. It contains three text fields and a Remove Binding button.

Use the text fields as follows:

Use the Remove Binding button to remove the service binding from the service.

Click Done to close the dialog box when you have finished adding or removing service bindings.

Adding and Removing Classifications

To add classifications to, or remove classifications from, an organization or service, use a Classifications panel. A Classifications panel appears in an Organization panel or service subpanel.

To add a classification:

  1. Click Add.
  2. In the Select Classifications dialog, double-click one of the classification schemes.
    • If you clicked ntis-gov:naics:1997 or unspsc-org:unspsc:3-1, you can add the classification at any level of the taxonomy hierarchy. When you reach the level you want, click Add.
    • If you clicked iso-ch:3166:1999 (geography), locate the appropriate leaf node (the country) and click Add.

The classification appears in a table in the Classifications panel below the buttons.

To add multiple classifications to the organization or service, you can repeat these steps more than once. Alternatively, you can click on the classification schemes while pressing the control or shift key, then click Add.

Click Close to dismiss the window when you have finished.

To remove a classification, select the appropriate table row in the Classifications panel and click Remove. The classification disappears from the table.

Submitting the Data

When you have finished entering the data you want to add, click the Submit button in the toolbar.

An authentication dialog box appears. To continue with the submission, enter your user name and password and click OK. To close the window without submitting the data, click Cancel.

If the submission is successful, an information dialog box appears with the organization key in it. Click OK to continue. The organization key also appears in the ID field of the Submissions pane.

Note: If you submit an organization, return to the Browse pane, then return to the Submissions pane, you will find that the organization is still there. If you click the Submit button again, a new organization is created, whether or not you modify the organization data.


This tutorial contains information on the 1.0 version of the Java Web Services Developer Pack.

All of the material in The Java Web Services Tutorial is copyright-protected and may not be published in other works without express written permission from Sun Microsystems.