The JavaTM Web Services Tutorial

JAX-RPC Distributor Service

The Coffee Break server is also a client-- it makes remote calls on the JAX-RPC distributor service. The service code consists of the service interface, service implementation class, and several JavaBeans components that are used for method parameters and return types.

Service Interface

The service interface, SupplierIF, defines the methods that can be called by remote clients. The parameters and return types of these methods are JavaBeans components:

Because these components are shared by other programs, their source code resides in the <JWSDP_HOME>/docs/tutorial/examples/cb/common/src directory. The source code for the SupplierIF interface, which follows, resides in the <JWSDP_HOME>/docs/tutorial/examples/cb/jaxrpc/src directory.

package com.sun.cb;

import java.rmi.Remote;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;

public interface SupplierIF extends Remote {

    public ConfirmationBean placeOrder(OrderBean order) 
        throws RemoteException;
    public PriceListBean getPriceList() throws RemoteException;

Service Implementation

The SupplierImpl class implements the placeOrder and getPriceList methods, which are defined by the SupplierIF interface. So that you can focus on the code related to JAX-RPC, these methods are short and simplistic. In a real-world application, these methods would access databases and interact with other services, such as shipping, accounting, and inventory.

The placeOrder method accepts as input a coffee order and returns a confirmation for the order. To keep things simple, the placeOrder method confirms every order and sets the ship date in the confirmation to the next day. (This date is calculated by DateHelper, a utility class that resides in the cb/common subdirectory.) The source code for the placeOrder method follows:

public ConfirmationBean placeOrder(OrderBean order) {

    Date tomorrow = 
        com.sun.cb.DateHelper.addDays(new Date(), 1);
    ConfirmationBean confirmation = 
        new ConfirmationBean(order.getId(), tomorrow);
    return confirmation;

The getPriceList method returns a PriceListBean object, which lists the name and price of each type of coffee that can be ordered from this service. The getPriceList method creates the PriceListBean object by invoking a private method named loadPrices. In a production application, the loadPrices method would fetch the prices from a database. However, our loadPrices method takes a shortcut by getting the prices from the file. Here are the getPriceList and loadPrices methods:

public PriceListBean getPriceList() {

   PriceListBean priceList = loadPrices(); 
   return priceList;

private PriceListBean loadPrices() {

   String propsName = "com.sun.cb.SupplierPrices";
   Date today = new Date();
   Date endDate = DateHelper.addDays(today, 30);

   PriceItemBean[] priceItems =
   PriceListBean priceList = 
       new PriceListBean(today, endDate, priceItems);

   return priceList;

Publishing the Service in the Registry

Because we want customers to find our service, we will to publish it in a registry. The programs that publish and remove our service are called OrgPublisher and OrgRemover. These programs are not part of the service's Web application. They are stand-alone programs that are run by the ant set-up-service command. (See Building and Installing the JAX-RPC Service.) Immediately after the service is installed, it's published in the registry. And in like manner, right before the service is removed, it's removed from the registry.

The OrgPublisher program begins by loading String values from the file. Next, the program instantiates a utility class named JAXRPublisher. OrgPublisher connects to the registry by invoking the makeConnection method of JAXRPublisher. To publish the service, OrgPublisher invokes the executePublish method, which accepts as input username, password, and endpoint. The username and password values are required by the Registry Server. The endpoint value is the URL that remote clients will use to contact our JAX-RPC service. The executePublish method of JAXRPublisher returns a key that uniquely identifies the service in the registry. OrgPublisher saves this key in a text file named orgkey.txt. The OrgRemover program will read the key from orgkey.txt so that it can delete the service. (See Deleting the Service From the Registry.) The source code for the OrgPublisher program follows.

package com.sun.cb;

import javax.xml.registry.*; 
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

public class OrgPublisher {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        ResourceBundle registryBundle =

        String queryURL = 
        String publishURL =
        String username =
        String password =
        String endpoint = registryBundle.getString("endpoint");
       String keyFile = registryBundle.getString("key.file");

        JAXRPublisher publisher = new JAXRPublisher();
        publisher.makeConnection(queryURL, publishURL);
        String key = publisher.executePublish
            (username, password, endpoint);

        try {
            FileWriter out = new FileWriter(keyFile);
        } catch (IOException ex) {

The JAXRPublisher class is almost identical to the sample program, which is described in Managing Registry Data.

First, the makeConnection method creates a connection to the Registry Server. See Establishing a Connection for more information. To do this, it first specifies a set of connection properties using the query and publish URLs passed in from the file. For the Registry Server, the query and publish URLs are actually the same.

Properties props = new Properties();

Next, the makeConnection method creates the connection, using the connection properties:

ConnectionFactory factory = ConnectionFactory.newInstance();
connection = factory.createConnection();

The executePublish method takes three arguments: a username, a password, and an endpoint. It begins by obtaining a RegistryService object, then a BusinessQueryManager object and a BusinessLifeCycleManager object, which enable it to perform queries and manage data:

rs = connection.getRegistryService();
blcm = rs.getBusinessLifeCycleManager();
bqm = rs.getBusinessQueryManager();

Because it needs password authentication in order to publish data, it then uses the username and password arguments to establish its security credentials:

PasswordAuthentication passwdAuth = 
    new PasswordAuthentication(username, 
Set creds = new HashSet();

It then creates an Organization object with the name "JAXRPCCoffeeDistributor," then a User object that will serve as the primary contact. It gets the data from the resource bundle instead of hardcoding it as strings, but otherwise this code is almost identical to that shown in the JAXR chapter.

ResourceBundle bundle =

// Create organization name and description 
Organization org =
InternationalString s = 

// Create primary contact, set name 
User primaryContact = blcm.createUser();
PersonName pName =

It adds a telephone number and email address for the user, then makes the user the primary contact:


It gives JAXRPCCoffeeDistributor a classification using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). In this case it uses the classification "Other Grocery and Related Products Wholesalers".

Classification classification = (Classification)
Collection classifications = new ArrayList();

Next, it adds the JAX-RPC service, called "JAXRPCCoffee Service," and its service binding. The access URI for the service binding contains the endpoint URL that remote clients will use to contact our service:


JAXR validates each URI, so an exception is thrown if the service was not installed before you ran this program.

Collection services = new ArrayList();
Service service =
InternationalString is = 

// Create service bindings
Collection serviceBindings = new ArrayList();
ServiceBinding binding = blcm.createServiceBinding();
is = blcm.createInternationalString
try {
} catch (JAXRException je) {
    throw new JAXRException("Error: Publishing this " + 
    "service in the registry has failed because " + 
    "the service has not been installed on Tomcat.");

// Add service bindings to service

// Add service to services, then add services to organization

Then it saves the organization to the registry:

Collection orgs = new ArrayList();
BulkResponse response = blcm.saveOrganizations(orgs);

The BulkResponse object returned by saveOrganizations includes the Key object containing the unique key value for the organization. The executePublish method first checks to make sure the saveOrganizations call succeeded.

If the call succeeded, the method extracts the value from the Key object and displays it:

Collection keys = response.getCollection();
Iterator keyIter = keys.iterator();
if (keyIter.hasNext()) {
    javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Key orgKey =
    id = orgKey.getId();
    System.out.println("Organization key is " + id);

Finally, the method returns the string id so that the OrgPublisher program can save it in a file for use by the OrgRemover program.

Deleting the Service From the Registry

The OrgRemover program deletes the service from the Registry Server immediately before the service is removed. Like the OrgPublisher program, the OrgRemover program starts by fetching values from the file. One these values, keyFile, is the name of the file that contains the key that uniquely identifies the service. OrgPublisher reads the key from the file, connects to the Registry Server by invoking makeConnection, and then deletes the service from the registry by calling executeRemove. Here is the source code for the OrgRemover program:

package com.sun.cb;

import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import javax.xml.registry.*; 
import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Key;

public class OrgRemover {

    Connection connection = null;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String keyStr = null;

        ResourceBundle registryBundle = 

        String queryURL = 
        String publishURL =
        String username =
        String password =
        String keyFile = registryBundle.getString("key.file");

        try {
            FileReader in = new FileReader(keyFile);
            char[] buf = new char[512];
            while (, 0, 512) >= 0) { }
            keyStr = new String(buf).trim();
        } catch (IOException ex) {

        JAXRRemover remover = new JAXRRemover();
        remover.makeConnection(queryURL, publishURL);
        javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Key modelKey = null;
        modelKey = remover.createOrgKey(keyStr);
        remover.executeRemove(modelKey, username, password);

Instantiated by the OrgRemover program, the JAXRRemover class contains the makeConnection, createOrgKey, and executeRemove methods. It is almost identical to the sample program, which is described in Removing Data from the Registry.

The makeConnection method is identical to the JAXRPublisher method of the same name.

The createOrgKey method is a utility method that takes one argument, the string value extracted from the key file. It obtains the RegistryService object and the BusinessLifeCycleManager object, then creates a Key object from the string value.

The executeRemove method takes three arguments: a username, a password, and the Key object returned by the createOrgKey method. It uses the username and password arguments to establish its security credentials with the Registry Server, just as the executePublish method does.

The method then wraps the Key object in a Collection and uses the BusinessLifeCycleManager object's deleteOrganizations method to delete the organization.

Collection keys = new ArrayList();
BulkResponse response = blcm.deleteOrganizations(keys);

The deleteOrganizations method returns the keys of the organizations it deleted, so the executeRemove method then verifies that the correct operation was performed and displays the key for the deleted organization.

Collection retKeys = response.getCollection();
Iterator keyIter = retKeys.iterator();
javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Key orgKey = null; 
if (keyIter.hasNext()) { 
    orgKey = 
    id = orgKey.getId();
    System.out.println("Organization key was " + id);

This tutorial contains information on the 1.0 version of the Java Web Services Developer Pack.

All of the material in The Java Web Services Tutorial is copyright-protected and may not be published in other works without express written permission from Sun Microsystems.