· Elena
Paslaru Bontas,
Ontology Engineering Cost Estimation with ONTOCOM (B 06-01)
· Lutz Prechelt, Sebastian Jekutsch,
Philip Johnson
Process: A Research Program (B 06-02)
· Marco
Block, Felix von Hundelshausen, Marte Ramirez Ortegon, Cueneyt Goektekin,
Oliver Tenchio, Raul Rojas
Aktueller Stand
des Forschungsprojekts Saccadic (i) (B 06-03)
· Ernesto Tapia, Raul Rojas
A Neural Architecture for Blind Source Separation (B-06-04)
· Benjamin Jankovic, Gerald Friedland, Raul Rojas
Experiments on Using MPEG-4 for Broadcasting Electronic Chalkboard Lectures (B 06-05)
· Gerald
Friedland, Kristian Jantz, Tobias Lenz, Raul Rojas
Extending the SIOX Algorithm: Alternative Clustering Methods, Sub-pixel Accurate Object Extraction from Still Images, and Generic Video Segmentation (B 06-06)
· Neven Santrac, Gerald Friedland, Raul Rojas
High Resolution Segmentation with a Time-of-Flight 3D-Camera using the Example of a Lecture Scene (B 06-09)
· Lutz Prechelt
Plat_Forms — a contest: The Web-development platform comparison (B 06-11)