FU Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Institut für Informatik

Vortrag des Informatik-Kolloquiums 


Prof. Dr. Elfriede Fehr und Dr. Dirk Draheim laden ein:



Semantic Analysis of Matrices with Ellipses

Dr. Alan P. Sexton, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham


The research area of extracting information from documents promises to provide greater accessibility to, searchability of, and processing capabilities for human knowledge. A major obstacle in scientific document analysis, however, is the prevalence of graphics, diagrams and formulas. Attaching appropriate semantics to such objects is a necessary first step for meaningful information processing. In this talk, we discuss our approach to developing such a semantics, and supporting algorithms, for the case of general matrix terms as they commonly appear in texts; namely as underspecified matrices including ellipses. For such a useful representation of a common mathematical structure, two dimensional matrix expressions possess some surprisingly subtle complexities that require careful analysis and correspondingly involved algorithms to tease out their true meaning. The solution we present involves graph analysis, constraint maintenance, 2-d region finding, anti-unification and surface interpolation. Our system can be used as an input mechanism for diverse mathematical software systems, as a search and storage structure, or as a semantic validator for improving document recognition accuracy.

Ort: Takustr. 9, SR 049 Zeit: Fr, 16.12.2005, 14 Uhr c.t., Kaffee ab 13.45 im Raum 137


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