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RQCconf in SE
RQCconf: Review Quality Collector for conferences The implementation of this idea is online since September 2016. Read up on it at https://reviewqualitycollect…
ReportingRules in SE
Reporting (DEFUNCT. We simply don't do this in practice.) Every member of the working group who is working towards a Ph.D. will write a periodical report on work …
ResearchApproach in SE
The research approach of the SE group Describes which research methods we use under which circumstances and why. Research doctrine Software engineering methodolo…
ResearchHome in SE
Research of AG SE The Software Engineering research group is concerned with reducing the gap between the State of the Art and the average State of the Practice in…
ResearchRecordingInterests in SE
Research Interests when recording (Distributed) Pair Programmers If you are a software developer doing (distributed) pair programming and you consider to be recor…
ReviewQualityCollectorHome in SE
RQC: Review Quality Collector Lutz Prechelt, prechelt #64;inf.fu Review Quality Collector (RQC) is a procedure to be introduced into the scientific publ…
ReviewRules in SE
How to write a good article review Describes what a proper review of a journal or conference article in Computer Science or Software Engineering should look like …
Royce70 in SE
Wie kam es dazu, dass Winston Royce das Wasserfallmodell zugeschrieben wird? worked on by:Son Tung Duong Outline In seinem vielzitierten Artikel “Management der…
RulesHome in SE
Rules This page collects conventions, process descriptions, rules, guidelines etc. that define how the SE group does business. Principles * WorkgroupPrincipl…
9 topic(s) found