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Topics per web:
See http://www.saros
DPPConceptSaving in SE
Saving and Storing Things to consider: * Closing as Observer: * Changes made: * Save? Yes: File is saved locally * Save? No: File is …
DPPHeader in SE
You're looking at an outdated page which is not maintained anymore. Please see www.saros for our new website. These pages are temporarily kept in orde…
DPPInternalNavigation in SE
* Internal Processes * Outreach
DPPSpecificationChat in SE
Specification of the Chat Questions answered in this document: * What is the relation between a Session and a Chat? (Is a running Session a pre condition for a…
DPPSpecificationInvitationProcess in SE
Specification of the Invitation Process Describes the process of beginning a new Session. The questions that are to be answered revolved around one single use cas…
DPPStatistics in SE
Page DPPStatistics The data collected by Saros' statistics framework is put on a server and analyzed periodically. The R script which produces the diagrams below…
DefectTaxonomy in SE
On Defect Taxonomies Presents considerations for designing defect taxonomies and our draft taxonomy. Definition
DocumentationResearchHome in SE
Our Research on API Documentation Modern software development means constantly using powerful libraries and frameworks (APIs). Good documentation of these reusabl…
DoktorandenTreffenOSS in SE
Doktorandentreffen Open Source Das Doktorandentreffen Open Source dient der Vernetzung der Doktoranden im Forschungsumfeld von Open Source in Berlin und Umland. …
DoktorandenTreffenOSSPhotos in SE
Photos vom Ersten Doktorandentreffen OSS body { background: #ffffff url() top repeat x; } div#NavigationInfo { …
16 topic(s) found