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ActualProcessBiblio in SE
Bibliography on Actual Process research This page contains (partly) commented references which to some extend deals with actual processes (mostly without noticing…
ActualProcessInterestGroup in SE
Actual Processes in Software Development What's that? Usually a software development process deals with high level tasks and phases like designing, performing in…
ActualProcessResearch in SE
Research Projects in Actual Process Study This page lists some research projects and effords which deal with actual processes (AP). They are grouped in three sect…
AmosProjekt in SE
AnalysisOfProfessionalPairProgrammers in SE
Analysis of Professional Pair Programmers We are interested in finding cooperation partners for our research: companies that use Pair Programming (PP). What is …
ArabischTransliterationDMG in SE
Automatic Transliteration from Arabic to German conforming to the standard of the
AuswirkungenAufGesundheitGesundheitswesenMedizin in SE
Auswirkungen der Informatik auf Gesundheit, Gesundheitswesen und Medizin In meiner Masterarbeit (Lehramt Informatik) sollen die Auswirkungen der Informatik auf ve…
AutomatisierungUpgradeAnalyseTYPO3 in SE
Automatisierung einer TYPO3 Upgrade Analyse worked on by: Juliane Wundermann Outline 1. Einleitung TYPO3 CMS ist ein freies Content Management System, in das m…
8 topic(s) found