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AlexanderNarweleit in Main
((Alexander Narweleit)) I'm about to start my bachelor thesis in the Software Engineering Working Group. For now this is just some kind of placeholder and a way o…
DanouNauck in Main
Danou Nauck (research associate) some short information on myself I was part of the Software Engineering Working Group at the Freie Universität Berlin for some…
MartinGruhn in Main
Martin Gruhn's Homepage I worked with the Software Engineering research group (in German: Arbeitsgruppe Software Engineering AG SE) as research associate until …
PatrickChmielewski in Main
.picture { margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px; } Dipl. Inf. Patrick T. Chmielewski external research associate patrick.chmielewski at fu My Research F…
4 topic(s) found

ContactInfo in SE
Address Freie Universität Berlin Institut für Informatik AG Software Engineering Takustr. 9 14195 Berlin Germany Phone: 49 30 838 75243 (Main.GesineMilde) FAX: …
SeminarBeitraegeZumSE in SE
Seminar "Beiträge zum Software Engineering" (S BSE) Dies ist die Veranstaltungsseite zum fortlaufenden Forschungsseminar "Ausgewählte Beiträge zum Software Engine…
StudentInfo in SE
Student information Information and pointers for students interested in software engineering Exams (Prüfungen) For an overview of what is required of you, you sh…
ThesesHome in SE
AG Software Engineering: Themen für Abschlussarbeiten / Thesis topics (Since this page is mainly for students at FU Berlin it is written in German.) Hier finden S…
ThesisRules in SE
Wie erstellt man eine Bachelor oder Masterarbeit? Dieses Dokument beschreibt die Abläufe bei der Erstellung von Bachelor und Masterarbeiten (zusammen bei uns ge…
SE in SE
Working group Software Engineering Welcome to the web pages of the Software Engineering (SE) research group at Freie Universität Berlin. We are concerned with red…
WebNotify in SE
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this SE web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come …
WebPreferences in SE
SE Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the SE web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and , and can be …
WebStatistics in SE
Statistics for SE Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: …
9 topic(s) found