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AnalysisOfProfessionalPairProgrammers in SE
Analysis of Professional Pair Programmers We are interested in finding cooperation partners for our research: companies that use Pair Programming (PP). What is …
PeopleHome in SE
table.bordered td { border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; } table.bordered th { border: none; height: 50px; font weight: bold; } table.bordered td:first child { text…
ResearchHome in SE
Research of AG SE The Software Engineering research group is concerned with reducing the gap between the State of the Art and the average State of the Practice in…
SeminarBeitraegeZumSE in SE
Seminar "Beiträge zum Software Engineering" (S BSE) Dies ist die Veranstaltungsseite zum fortlaufenden Forschungsseminar "Ausgewählte Beiträge zum Software Engine…
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