Computer Systems & Telematics Embedded Sensor Boards


Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Between Underlay and Overlay: On Deployable Efficient Mobility-agnostic Group Communication Services,
Internet Research, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 519--534, Bradford, UK:Emerald Insight, 2007.

Abstract: Multicast communication services are among the longest debated areas in the 30 years history of the Internet. Innumerous solutions and controversies rank around the IP host group model and led to a strongly divergent state of deployment. Stimulated by application needs alternative multicast mechanisms have been developed. P2P technologies enabled group distributions on the application or service middleware layer. A significantly simplified routing approach gave rise to the lean source specific multicast in IP. Henceforth the debate elaborated to which approach proves suitable for providing the best benefit of a scalable, efficient and deployable group communication service. This paper discusses problems, requirements and current trends for deploying group communication in real-world scenarios from an integrative perspective. We introduce Hybrid Shared Tree, a new architecture and routing approach to combine network and subnetwork layer multicast services in end system domains with transparent, structured overlays on the inter-domain level. This hybrid solution is highly scalable, robust and offers provider-oriented features to stimulate deployment. Furthermore, a straight forward perspective is identified towards a mobility agnostic routing layer in future use.

Themes: Mobile IPv6, Mobile Multicast, Overlay Multicast


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