Computer Systems & Telematics Embedded Sensor Boards


Alexander Knauf, Thomas C. Schmidt, Gabriel Hege, Matthias Waehlisch,
A Usage for Shared Resources in RELOAD (ShaRe),
RFC, No. 8076, March 2017.

Abstract: This document defines a REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD) Usage for managing shared write access to RELOAD Resources. Shared Resources in RELOAD (ShaRe) form a basic primitive for enabling various coordination and notification schemes among distributed peers. Access in ShaRe is controlled by a hierarchical trust delegation scheme maintained within an access list. A new USER-CHAIN-ACL access policy allows authorized peers to write a Shared Resource without owning its corresponding certificate. This specification also adds mechanisms to store Resources with a variable name that is useful whenever peer-independent rendezvous processes are required.

Themes: Video Conferencing over IP, Peer-to-Peer Networking


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