Class PPage


public class PPage
extends Object
The ppage class is used to store words and meta tags.

Gregor Panzer qversion 0.4

Constructor Index

 o PPage()
The Constructor.

Method Index

 o appendElement(PElement)
This method appends an element to a vector of Elements.
 o appendMeta(String, String)
This method appends a meta tag to a vector of meta tags.
 o getContentLength()
This method returns the length of the content of the page.
 o getElements()
This method returns a Vector containing the elements of the page.
 o getLastModified()
This method returns the date the page was last modified.
 o getLinks()
This method returns a HashSet containing the links of the page.
 o getMeta()
This method returns a vector containing the meta tags of the page.
 o getPageURL()
This method returns the URL of the page.
 o getWordCount()
This method returns the number of words on the page.
 o incWordCount()
This method increases the counter of words on the page.
 o setContentLength(long)
This method sets the length of the content of the page.
 o setHashSet(HashSet)
This method appends all links found on the Page to the HashSet.
 o setLastMod(long)
This method sets the date when the page was last modified.
 o setPageURL(String)
This method sets the URL of the page.
 o testausgabe()


 o PPage
 public PPage()
The Constructor.


 o getMeta
 public Vector getMeta()
This method returns a vector containing the meta tags of the page.

 o getLastModified
 public long getLastModified()
This method returns the date the page was last modified.

 o getPageURL
 public String getPageURL()
This method returns the URL of the page.

 o getContentLength
 public long getContentLength()
This method returns the length of the content of the page.

 o getWordCount
 public long getWordCount()
This method returns the number of words on the page.

 o getElements
 public Vector getElements()
This method returns a Vector containing the elements of the page. Elements can be of class Link or Word.

 o getLinks
 public HashSet getLinks()
This method returns a HashSet containing the links of the page.

 o appendMeta
 public void appendMeta(String name,
                        String value)
This method appends a meta tag to a vector of meta tags.

 o setLastMod
 public void setLastMod(long lastMod)
This method sets the date when the page was last modified.

 o setPageURL
 public void setPageURL(String pageURL)
This method sets the URL of the page.

 o setContentLength
 public void setContentLength(long contentLength)
This method sets the length of the content of the page.

 o incWordCount
 public void incWordCount()
This method increases the counter of words on the page.

 o appendElement
 public void appendElement(PElement ele)
This method appends an element to a vector of Elements.

 o setHashSet
 public void setHashSet(HashSet hs)
This method appends all links found on the Page to the HashSet.

 o testausgabe
 public void testausgabe()