Class PFormat


public class PFormat
extends Object
The class PFormat is used to store formatting information of words. The information is stored as boolean. Formats are: heading (HTML: H1 -H6) highlight (HTML: italics, bold, underline) title (HTML: title)

Gregor Panzer qversion 0.3

Constructor Index

 o PFormat()
The constructor initializes the variables.
 o PFormat(PFormat)

Method Index

 o clearHeading()
This method should be used if the heading ends.
 o clearHighlight()
This method should be used if the highlight ends.
 o clearTitle()
This method should be used if the title ends.
 o isHeading()
This method returns true if format is heading.
 o isHighlight()
This method returns true if format is highlight.
 o isTitle()
This method returns true if format is title.
 o setHeading()
This method should be used if format is heading.
 o setHighlight()
This method should be used if format is highlight.
 o setTitle()
This method should be used if format is title.
 o testausgabe()


 o PFormat
 public PFormat()
The constructor initializes the variables.

 o PFormat
 public PFormat(PFormat format)


 o isHeading
 public boolean isHeading()
This method returns true if format is heading.

 o isHighlight
 public boolean isHighlight()
This method returns true if format is highlight.

 o isTitle
 public boolean isTitle()
This method returns true if format is title.

 o setHeading
 public void setHeading()
This method should be used if format is heading.

 o setHighlight
 public void setHighlight()
This method should be used if format is highlight.

 o setTitle
 public void setTitle()
This method should be used if format is title.

 o clearHeading
 public void clearHeading()
This method should be used if the heading ends.

 o clearHighlight
 public void clearHighlight()
This method should be used if the highlight ends.

 o clearTitle
 public void clearTitle()
This method should be used if the title ends.

 o testausgabe
 public String testausgabe()