Class CSyncedStack


public class CSyncedStack
extends Stack

Method Index

 o block()
Block this stack.
 o pop()
Remove the object at the top of this stack and return it as the value of this function.
 o push(Object)
Put an object at the top of this stack.
 o unblock()
Unblock this stack and release all pending calls to Pop() and Push().


 o pop
 public synchronized Object pop()
Remove the object at the top of this stack and return it as the value of this function. If the stack is blocked Pop() is delayed until it is unblocked.

pop in class Stack
 o push
 public synchronized Object push(Object o)
Put an object at the top of this stack. If the stack is blocked Push() is delayed until it is unblocked.

push in class Stack
 o block
 public synchronized void block()
Block this stack. All calls to Push() and Pop() will be delayed until this stack is unblocked again.

 o unblock
 public synchronized void unblock()
Unblock this stack and release all pending calls to Pop() and Push().