Class CFetchedSourceFile


public class CFetchedSourceFile
extends Object
ADT containing URL and HTML code for a single file gathered from the internet. This class is used by the gatherer and the fetcher to exchange request-reply messages via a synchronized stack.

Jörg Caumanns

Constructor Index

 o CFetchedSourceFile(String)
constructor used by the gatherer to create an empty CFetchedSoirceFile object used as a request.
 o CFetchedSourceFile(String, String, long, String, int)
constructor used by the fetcher to create a CFetchedSourceFile object used as reply.

Method Index

 o getContentLength()
Returns the length of the file.
 o getContentType()
Returns the MIME type of the file.
 o getLastMod()
Returns the last modified date of the file.
 o getSourceFile()
Returns the HTML code of the file.
 o getURL()
Returns the URL of the file.


 o CFetchedSourceFile
 public CFetchedSourceFile(String _strUrl)
constructor used by the gatherer to create an empty CFetchedSoirceFile object used as a request. All properties (except the URL) will be set by the fetcher using a clone of this object.

_strUrl - URL of the requested file
 o CFetchedSourceFile
 public CFetchedSourceFile(String _strUrl,
                           String _strSourceFile,
                           long _lastMod,
                           String _contentType,
                           int _contentLength)
constructor used by the fetcher to create a CFetchedSourceFile object used as reply.


 o getURL
 public String getURL()
Returns the URL of the file.

 o getSourceFile
 public String getSourceFile()
Returns the HTML code of the file.

 o getLastMod
 public long getLastMod()
Returns the last modified date of the file.

 o getContentType
 public String getContentType()
Returns the MIME type of the file.

 o getContentLength
 public int getContentLength()
Returns the length of the file.