All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


add(Object). Method in class HashSet
Add an object to the set.
addPage(PPage). Method in class CIndex
adds a document to the index.
appendElement(PElement). Method in class PPage
This method appends an element to a vector of Elements.
appendMeta(String, String). Method in class CIndexedPage
This method appends a meta tag to a vector of meta tags.
appendMeta(String, String). Method in class PPage
This method appends a meta tag to a vector of meta tags.


baseUrl(). Method in class CWebDomain
block(). Method in class CSyncedStack
Block this stack.
BRobotsTxt(URL, String). Constructor for class BRobotsTxt
An object of this class represents the robot-protection information of one internet site.
busy(). Method in class CFetcher
Returns true if this tread is currently reading an URL, otherwise false.


CFetchedSourceFile(String). Constructor for class CFetchedSourceFile
constructor used by the gatherer to create an empty CFetchedSoirceFile object used as a request.
CFetchedSourceFile(String, String, long, String, int). Constructor for class CFetchedSourceFile
constructor used by the fetcher to create a CFetchedSourceFile object used as reply.
CFetcher(CSyncedStack, CSyncedStack, ThreadGroup). Constructor for class CFetcher
Constructs a fetcher thread by telling him where to get his input and where to put his output.
CGatherer(CSyncedStack, CSyncedStack, ThreadGroup, int). Constructor for class CGatherer
Setup a new gatherer thread and start spidering the requested subset of the web.
CIndex(). Constructor for class CIndex
CIndexedPage(PPage). Constructor for class CIndexedPage
The Constructor.
CIndexMap(). Constructor for class CIndexMap
Setup a new index map
clearHeading(). Method in class PFormat
This method should be used if the heading ends.
clearHighlight(). Method in class PFormat
This method should be used if the highlight ends.
clearTitle(). Method in class PFormat
This method should be used if the title ends.
CSearchEngine(). Constructor for class CSearchEngine
Initialize all internal data structures.
CSearchEngineStartup(). Constructor for class CSearchEngineStartup


dump(). Method in class CIndex
dump(PrintStream). Method in class CIndexMap


equals(Object). Method in class CWebDomain


get(Object). Method in class HashMap
Retrieve an object from the map.
get(String). Method in class CIndexMap
get a given word's ID and use count encoded as a WordLink.
getBoolOp(). Method in class PFilter
getBoolOp(). Method in class PRanking
getContentLength(). Method in class CFetchedSourceFile
Returns the length of the file.
getContentLength(). Method in class CIndexedPage
This method returns the length of the content of the page.
getContentLength(). Method in class PPage
This method returns the length of the content of the page.
getContentType(). Method in class CFetchedSourceFile
Returns the MIME type of the file.
getDocRep(). Method in class CIndexedPage
This method returns the encoded content of the document
getElements(). Method in class PPage
This method returns a Vector containing the elements of the page.
getExist(). Method in class PFilter
getFilter(). Method in class PParsedQuery
Returns the filter expression as PFilter object.
getLastMod(). Method in class CFetchedSourceFile
Returns the last modified date of the file.
getLastModified(). Method in class CIndexedPage
This method returns the date the page was last modified.
getLastModified(). Method in class PPage
This method returns the date the page was last modified.
getLinkedDocumentIDs(). Method in class CIndexedPage
This method returns the IDs of all documents linked by this one.
getLinks(). Method in class PPage
This method returns a HashSet containing the links of the page.
getMatchingWordIDs(String). Method in class CIndex
returns a all words within the idex that match a given wildcard expression (string*)
getMatchingWordIDs(String). Method in class CIndexMap
NYI: get all words that match a given wildcard expression
getMeta(). Method in class CIndexedPage
This method returns a vector containing the meta tags of the page.
getMeta(). Method in class PPage
This method returns a vector containing the meta tags of the page.
getMetaName(). Method in class PRanking
getMetaValue(). Method in class PRanking
getNextFilter(). Method in class PFilter
getNextRanking(). Method in class PRanking
getPage(). Method in class PSourceFileParser
getPage(int). Method in class CIndex
returns a document from a given document ID.
getPage(String). Method in class CIndex
returns a document from a given URL.
getPageURL(). Method in class CIndexedPage
This method returns the URL of the page.
getPageURL(). Method in class PPage
This method returns the URL of the page.
getPosition(). Method in class PWord
Returns the position of the word in the original page
getPostingList(int). Method in class CIndex
returns a given word's posting list
getPostingList(String). Method in class CIndex
returns a given word's posting list
getRanking(). Method in class PParsedQuery
Returns the ranking expression as PRanking object.
getSourceFile(). Method in class CFetchedSourceFile
Returns the HTML code of the file.
getTemporaryLinkedDocumentIDs(). Method in class CIndexedPage
for internal use only
getTerm(). Method in class PRanking
getTerms(). Method in class PFilter
getURL(). Method in class CFetchedSourceFile
Returns the URL of the file.
getV(String). Method in class CIndexMap
for internal use by CIndex only: look up a word's ID
getValue(). Method in class PWord
Returns the value of the word.
getWeight(). Method in class PRanking
getWordCount(). Method in class CIndexedPage
This method returns the number of words on the page.
getWordCount(). Method in class PPage
This method returns the number of words on the page.
getWordLink(String). Method in class CIndex
returns a given words ID as used in docReps.
go(String[]). Method in class CSearchEngine
Spider the web, setup the index, and wait for requests.


hashCode(). Method in class CWebDomain
HashMap(). Constructor for class HashMap
HashSet(). Constructor for class HashSet
get the number of objects contained in the set.
hasNext(). Method in interface Iterator


incWordCount(). Method in class PPage
This method increases the counter of words on the page.
indexPage(). Method in class CWebDomain
isAlive(). Method in class CGatherer
isAllowed(URL). Method in class BRobotsTxt
Returns true if robot-access of url is allowed, false otherwise
isHeading(). Method in class PFormat
This method returns true if format is heading.
isHeading(). Method in class PWord
Returns true if the word is marked as Heading
isHighlight(). Method in class PFormat
This method returns true if format is highlight.
isHighlight(). Method in class PWord
Returns true if the word is formatted as italics, bold or underline
isStale(). Method in class CWebDomain
Is this web site out of date?
isTitle(). Method in class PFormat
This method returns true if format is title.
isTitle(). Method in class PWord
Returns true if the word is marked as title


main(String[]). Static method in class CSearchEngineStartup


next(). Method in interface Iterator


optimize(). Method in class CIndex
optimizes the index by replacing all vectors and nested arrays with "real" arrays.
optimize(int[]). Method in class CIndexMap
optimize the word list by exchanging the previously used Vector with a 3-letter prefixed, sorted array.


parse(). Method in class PQueryParser
This method parses the search string given from the GUI.
parse(). Method in class PSourceFileParser
Retrieve all URLs referenced, all properties, and all words used within this file.
PElement(). Constructor for class PElement
The constructor.
PFilter(). Constructor for class PFilter
Set up a new PFilter object.
PFormat(). Constructor for class PFormat
The constructor initializes the variables.
PFormat(PFormat). Constructor for class PFormat
PLink(String). Constructor for class PLink
The constructor gets a URL as String.
PMetaTag(String, String). Constructor for class PMetaTag
The constructor gets the name and the value of the tag.
pop(). Method in class CSyncedStack
Remove the object at the top of this stack and return it as the value of this function.
PPage(). Constructor for class PPage
The Constructor.
PParsedQuery(). Constructor for class PParsedQuery
Sets up a new PParsedQuery object.
PQueryParser(boolean, String). Constructor for class PQueryParser
Set up a PQueryParser with the language and a filter expression.
PQueryParser(boolean, String, String). Constructor for class PQueryParser
Set up a PQueryParser with the language, a filter expression and a ranking expression.
PQueryParser(boolean, String, String, String, String). Constructor for class PQueryParser
Set up a PQueryParser with the language, a filter expression, a ranking expression and a meta tag.
PRanking(). Constructor for class PRanking
Set up a new PRanking object.
PSourceFileParser(CFetchedSourceFile). Constructor for class PSourceFileParser
Setup a sourcefile parser from a given URL and source code.
push(Object). Method in class CSyncedStack
Put an object at the top of this stack.
put(Object, Object). Method in class HashMap
Add an object to the map.
putV(String, int). Method in class CIndexMap
for internal use by CIndex only: append a word-to-ID mapping
PWord(int, String, PFormat). Constructor for class PWord
The constructor gets position, value and format of the word.
PWord(String). Constructor for class PWord
The constructor gets the value of the word.


remove(Object). Method in class HashMap
Remove an key from the set.
remove(Object). Method in class HashSet
Remove an object from the set.
replaceWordID(String, int). Method in class CIndexMap
for internal use by CIndex only: change a word's ID
replaceWordInDocRep(int, int). Method in class CIndexedPage
for internal use only
run(). Method in class CFetcher
Get the next URL, read the file, and handle it to the next higher layer by pushing it onthe appropriate stack.
run(). Method in class CGatherer
Start gathering.


setContentLength(long). Method in class PPage
This method sets the length of the content of the page.
setDocRep(Vector). Method in class CIndexedPage
for internal use only
setHashSet(HashSet). Method in class PPage
This method appends all links found on the Page to the HashSet.
setHeading(). Method in class PFormat
This method should be used if format is heading.
setHighlight(). Method in class PFormat
This method should be used if format is highlight.
setLastMod(long). Method in class PPage
This method sets the date when the page was last modified.
setLinkedDocumentIDs(int[]). Method in class CIndexedPage
for internal use only
setPageURL(String). Method in class PPage
This method sets the URL of the page.
setTemporaryLinkedDocumentIDs(Vector). Method in class CIndexedPage
for internal use only
setTitle(). Method in class PFormat
This method should be used if format is title.
statistics(PrintStream). Method in class CIndex
statistics(PrintStream). Method in class CIndexMap


testausgabe(). Method in class PElement
testausgabe(). Method in class PFormat
testausgabe(). Method in class PLink
testausgabe(). Method in class PMetaTag
testausgabe(). Method in class PPage
testausgabe(). Method in class PWord
toString(). Method in class CWebDomain


unblock(). Method in class CSyncedStack
Unblock this stack and release all pending calls to Pop() and Push().
urlsReferenced(). Method in class PSourceFileParser