English for Scientists – Materials: Helpful Phrases

Helpful Phrases for
Constructing an Essay


It is often said/It is often asserted/It is often claimed that the youth of today doesn’t care for anything but pleasure.

es wird oft behauptet, daß

It would be universally acknowledged that unemployment is the greatest scourge of our days.

… gilt allgemein als unbestritten

It is a truism/It is a commonplace that nothing of value is achieved without dedication.

es ist eine Binsenwahrheit, daß

It is undeniably true that war springs from greed.

es steht außer Zweifel, daß

It is a well-known fact that children up to the age of three have no concept of the extension of time.

es ist allgemein bekannt

For the great majority of people, literature is a subject that is studied in school but which has no relevance to life as they know it.

für die meisten Leute

It is sometimes forgotten that investment is essential for economic growth.

es gerät manchmal in Vergessenheit, daß

It would be naive to suppose that all politicians act in the public interest all of the time.

es wäre naiv zu glauben, daß

It would hardly be an exaggeration to say that carelessness is the reason for all road accidents.

man kann ohne große Übertreibung sagen, daß

There are several aspects to the problem of understanding Shakespearean comedy.

man kann das Problem des … unter mehreren Aspekten sehen

A problem that is often debated nowadays is that of world famine and how to deal with it.

heutzutage wird viel über … diskutiert

The question of whether Hamlet was really mad has occupied critics for generations.

die Frage, ob

The concept of existentialism is not an easy one to grasp.

der Begriff … ist nicht leicht zu verstehen

The idea of getting rich without too much effort has universal appeal.

die Vorstellung, daß man …, hat für viele einen großen Reiz

We live in a world in which capitalism seems triumphant.

in unserer Welt

One of the most striking features of this problem (issue/topic/question) is the way it arouses strong emotions.
One of the most striking aspects of …

einer der interessantesten Aspekte dieses Problems usw.

A number of key issues arise from this statement.

aus … ergeben sich einige grundsätzliche Fragen

History provides numerous instances of misguided national heroes who eventually did more harm than good.

es gibt in der Geschichte unzählige Beispiele für

It is hard to open a newspaper nowadays without being faced (oder confronted) with some new example of mindless violence.

man kann heutzutage schon keine Zeitung mehr aufschlagen, ohne von … zu lesen

What this question boils down to is: was Eliot at heart more of a philosopher than a poet?

letztendlich läuft es auf folgendes hinaus:

What can we make of a somewhat sweeping assertion like this? It would be dangerous to reject it in its entirety without …

was kann man mit so einer groben Verallgemeinerung anfangen?

First of all, let us try to understand what the writer really means.

zuerst einmal sollte man versuchen zu verstehen

It is easy enough to make broad generalizations about the evils of alcohol, but in reality the issue is an extremely complex one.

es lassen sich leicht grobe Verallgemeinerungen zu … machen, aber in Wirklichkeit ist die Sachlage viel komplizierter

The statement merits closer examination. We might ask ourselves why…

diese Aussage ist es wert, näher untersucht zu werden

The public in general tends to believe that all education is a good thing, without regard to the quality of that education.

die breite Öffentlichkeit glaubt im allgemeinen, daß

What we are mainly concerned with here is the conflict between what the hero says and what he does.

es geht hier hauptsächlich um

It is often the case that truth is stranger than fiction, and never more so than in this instance.

oft ist

By way of introduction, let us give a brief review of the background to this question.

zur Einführung

We commonly think of people as isolated individuals, but in fact few of us ever spend more than an hour or two of our waking hours alone.

wir halten im allgemeinen … für

It is surprising that faith survives at all, far less that it should flourish, in an industrialized society like ours.

in unserer modernen Industriegesellschaft


The first thing that needs to be said is that the author is presenting a one-sided, even bigoted, view.

zunächst einmal sollte man darauf hinweisen, daß

What should be established at the very outset is that we are dealing here with a practical rather than a philosophical issue.

gleich zu Anfang sollte man klarstellen, daß

First of all, let us consider the advantages of urban life.

zunächst sollen &hellip betrachtet werden

Let us begin with oder I propose to consider first the social aspects of this question.

zunächst sollen &hellip behandelt werden

Let us see if there is any real substance in this claim/assertion/statement.

zunächst soll untersucht werden, ob diese Aussage wirklich gerechtfertigt ist

Was Othello a naive man or not? This is a question which we must examine carefully/closely before we &hellip

diese Frage verdient eine eingehende Erörterung, ehe

An argument in support of this approach is that it does in fact produce practical results.

es spricht für diese Methode, daß

We are often faced in daily life with the choice between our sense of duty and our own personal inclinations.

im täglichen Leben steht man oft vor der Wahl zwischen

Even the most superficial look at this issue raises fundamental questions about the nature and purpose of human existence.

selbst bei oberflächlicher Betrachtung wirft dieses Problem grundlegende Fragen über &hellip auf

We must distinguish carefully between the two possible interpretations of this statement.

man muß sorgfältig zwischen &hellip unterscheiden

This brings us to the question of whether the language used is appropriate to the task the author sets himself.

daraus ergibt sich die Frage, ob

It is interesting to consider how far this is true of other nations.

es ist interessant zu sehen

One might mention, in support of the above thesis, the striking speech of Frederick in Act III.

zur Bestätigung der oben ausgeführten These

The second reason for advocating this course of action is that it benefits the community at large.

ein weiterer Grund für

Another telling argument in support of this viewpoint is that it makes sense economically.

ein weiteres schlagendes Argument &hellip ist, daß

An important aspect of Milton’s imagery is the play of light and shade.

ein wichtiger Aspekt von &hellip ist

It would be reasonable to assume that the writer is sincere in his praise of such behaviour.

man kann durchaus davon ausgehen, daß

The fundamental reason for believing this assumption to be true is that subsequent events seem to prove it.

der Hauptgrund dafür, diese Annahme für wahr zu halten ist, daß

We need not concern ourselves here with the author’s intentions in disclosing these facts so early in the book.

es geht an dieser Stelle nicht um

It is now time to discuss the character of Sir James, and how this develops during the course of the first act.

jetzt ist es an der Zeit, &hellip zu betrachten

When we speak of culture, we have in mind the development of the human spirit and its expression in various ways.

wenn wir von &hellip sprechen, meinen wir damit

I will confine myself to a brief outline of the problem, looking more particularly at how it affects the poorer countries of Africa.

ich möchte mich auf einen kurzen Abriß von &hellip beschränken

I am not concerned here with the undoubted difficulties and pitfalls inherent in the introduction of a new form of examination in secondary education.

es interessieren mich hier jetzt nicht

It is worth stating at this point that the position is exactly the same in most other countries.

an dieser Stelle sollte man darauf hinweisen

Finally, there is the related problem of how to explain the concept of original sin.

und schließlich ergibt sich ein ähnliches Problem, nämlich


On the other hand, it is observable that people do not normally behave like this in practice.

andererseits läßt sich beobachten

It may be asserted, however, that this is a superficial point of view.

es läßt sich allerdings sagen, daß

The other side of the coin is, however, that free enterprise may create economic chaos in certain circumstances.

die Kehrseite der Medaille ist allerdings, daß

Another way of looking at this question is to consider its social implications.

man kann das Problem aber auch aus anderer Sicht betrachten

The snag about this argument is that it undermines the principles of free speech.

und der Nachteil dieses Arguments ist, daß

The author says it is style that matters. The very opposite may be true.

es könnte auch genau das Gegenteil zutreffen

The claim she makes has much to recommend it, but it goes too far.

es spricht vieles für &hellip, aber

It is difficult to share the writer’s belief/view/opinion that with a little goodwill everything comes right in the end.

man kann nur schwer die Meinung des Autors teilen, daß

To say that Parker’s death was fortuitous is, however, a totally unjustified assumption.

ist eine völlig unberechtigte Annahme

In actual fact it would be more accurate to say that the fault lies in the monetary system itself.

tatsächlich sollte man richtiger sagen, daß

All this may well be true enough, but we should not forget the victim herself.

dies mag alles zutreffen, aber

If you consider the author’s real intentions, this argument is an extremely weak one.

ist dieses Argument nicht gerade sehr überzeugend

Hackneyed arguments of this kind are scarcely convincing even in the popular press, far less in a work which claims to have been seriously researched.

derlei abgedroschene Argumente

Paradoxical though it may seem, we must look for good in evil itself, for without that evil, how may good be identified?

es mag zwar paradox klingen, aber

It will be objected that punctuality, or at least a semblance of it, is necessary for civilised life.

es läßt sich dagegen einwenden, daß

The difficulty about supporting this statement is that the facts appear to contradict it.

die Schwierigkeit &hellip liegt darin, daß


The fact of the matter/The truth of the matter is surely that television presentation does influence voting patterns.

es besteht doch (ganz) sicher kein Zweifel darüber, daß

We have now established certain principles, but when all is said and done it must be acknowledged that a purely theoretical approach to social issues is sterile.

letztendlich muß man zugestehen, daß

How can we reconcile these two apparently contradictory viewpoints?

wie lassen sich &hellip vereinbaren

Of all these attempts to explain the playwright’s intentions, the last seems to offer the most convincing explanation.

scheint die letzte Erklärung die überzeugendste zu sein

There is much to be said on both sides of this question.

es gibt gute Argumente für beide Seiten.

On balance/On reflection, however, the arguments for the local rather than the national approach have most to recommend them.

Aber nach Abwägen der Vor- und Nachteile spricht doch am meisten für

If one weighs the pros and cons (of the case), the argument for freedom of speech in these circumstances is hard to sustain.

wenn man das Für und Wider abwägt

One might be tempted to think that better technology is the solution, but in actual fact human attitudes are the vital element.


It is easy to believe that this could never happen in a civilized society, but the truth is that it happens everywhere, and it happens more and more often.

aber in Wahrheit

From all this it follows that these claims are false.

aus all dem folgt, daß

The key to this whole problem must surely be the development of heavy industries in that part of the country.

der Schlüssel zur Lösung dieses Problems ist sicherlich

The social and economic consequences of the facts we have mentioned above are too important to ignore.

die &hellip Folgen der oben aufgeführten Tatsachen

These two points of view, while distinct, are not mutually exclusive.

sind zwar unterschiedlich, schließen einander aber nicht aus

In the final analysis, the themes of the novel are confused.

letzten Endes

To recap/To sum up, the cost of raw materials is falling faster than was ever expected in the early 1970s.

zusammenfassend läßt sich sagen, daß


What conclusions can be drawn from all this?

welche Schlußfolgerungen lassen sich aus &hellip ziehen

The most sensible/satisfactory/convincing conclusion we can come to is that the author has not succeeded in putting his message across.

die einleuchtendste Schlußfolgerung ist

All this goes to show that it is unwise to make generalisations about human beings.

all dies zeigt nur, daß

Surely the lesson to be learned from what has happened in Europe is that minorities should be respected.

was man aus … lernen kann, ist sicherlich

The inescapable conclusion which emerges from what I have said is that health is too important to leave to the doctors.

aus dem Gesagten kommt man unweigerlich zu dem Schluß, daß

The problem we have considered clearly does not admit of an easy solution, but it is to be hoped that governments will take steps to ameliorate its worst effects.

es gibt sicher keine einfache Lösung für das Problem &hellip, aber

This brief account of the origin of the play is necessarily limited in scope.

dieser kurze Abriß

The relations between the hero and heroine appear complex, but to put the whole matter in a nutshell, they are both more interested in power than in love.

kurz gesagt

Ultimately, then, these two approaches are impossible to reconcile.

letzten Endes

All in all, we must acknowledge that the main interest of the book lies in its treatment of jealousy.

alles in allem

The play no doubt has an important message: nevertheless, at the end of the day, it must be acknowledged that it is a very bad play.

letzten Endes muß man sagen, daß

The best way of summing up the arguments I have put forward for equality of opportunity is that human rights have precedence over social inhibitions.

am besten läßt sich &hellip folgendermaßen zusammenfassen:

It would appear, then, that in a sane society nobody would be a social outcast.

es scheint also, als

I have demonstrated that Cox’s claims are based on a false assumption.

ich habe nachgewiesen, daß

To sum up, I believe that urgent action is needed.


Comparing, Adding, and Linking Arguments

This brings us to the question of whether we can believe in a benevolent deity.

dies wirft die Frage auf, ob

On the one hand, wealth corrupts: on the other, it can achieve great things.

einerseits …, andererseits

As for the theory of value, it counts for nothing in this connection.

was … betrifft

Compared with the heroine, Alison is an insipid character.

im Vergleich zu

In the first (second/third etc.) place, let us consider the style of the novel.

erstens, zweitens usw of

First of all, I will outline the benefits of the system: next, I propose to examine its disadvantages: finally, we will consider the views of the recipients.

zunächst …, dann …, schließlich

The arguments in favour of this theory fall into two groups: first, those which rely on statistics, and secondly, those based on principle.

lassen sich in zwei Gruppen einteilen: erstens …, zweitens

Incidentally, we must not forget the contribution of Horatio to this scene.

man darf natürlich … nicht außer acht lassen

As far as the character of Tyson is concerned, we can only admire his persistence.

was … betrifft

Over and above all these considerations, there is the question of whether the country can afford such luxuries.

darüber hinaus

Added to that, there is his remarkable sense of detail.

und dazu kommt noch

Similarly, a good historian will never be obsessed with dates.


There is a fundamental difference between people who act from the heart and those who act from the head.

es besteht ein grundlegender Unterschied zwischen

There are important differences between these two approaches – differences which we ignore at our peril.

es gibt zwischen … beträchtliche Unterschiede

In the field of education it is clear that we have not learned by our mistakes.

im Bildungssektor

From the earliest days of nuclear development, it was plain that the potential danger of the process was perhaps the most important single aspect.

schon im Anfangsstadium von

Once, many decades ago, a foreign observer commented that English people were incapable of discussing principles.

vor vielen Jahren

The alternative is to accept the world as it is, and concentrate one’s efforts on one’s own spiritual development.

die andere Möglichkeit wäre, … zu

A further complication is that the characters on stage at this point include the missing man himself.

die Lage wird dadurch weiter kompliziert, daß

He considers the effect of this on the lives of the people, as well as on the economy of the country.


Also, there is the question of how this may be validated.

außerdem ergibt sich

The book has considerable depth: equally, it has style.

in gleichem Maße

As regards/As for the habits of foreigners, one may observe that they are very like our own.

was … angeht, so läßt sich feststellen, daß

In order to clear the ground, I will give a brief account of Mason’s theory.

zur Klärung der Sachlage

The problem is how to explain why people behave as they do.

das Problem ist, wie man sich erklären soll

Personal Opinion

My own view of this is that the writer is quite wrong in this assertion.

meiner Meinung nach

That is the popular viewpoint, but speaking personally I cannot see its logic.

was mich person/ich betrifft

Jennings is, it seems to me, over-optimistic in his claim that no one is ever hurt by such wheeling and dealing.

mir scheint

My personal opinion of this argument is that it lacks depth.

meiner Meinung nach

The author argues for patriotism, but I feel strongly that this is a delusion.

eines Erachtens

In my opinion, nearly everybody overestimates the size of the problem.

ich bin der Überzeugung, daß

For my part, I cannot discount what their spokesman said.

ich jedenfalls

I maintain that no one has the right to deprive these people of their home.

ich bleibe dabei, daß

Expressing a Different Point of View

The writer asserts (oder claims oder maintains oder states) that intelligence is conditioned by upbringing.

vertritt den Standpunkt, daß

They would have us believe that the market is fair.

sie wollen uns glauben machen

The official view is that this cannot affect the population adversely.

die offizielle Lesart ist, daß

The author gives us to understand that his main aim is merely to please.

gibt uns zu verstehen, daß

The position was put, with commendable clarity, by James Armitage, in a classic essay on this subject some years ago.

dieser Standpunkt wurde in bemerkenswerter Klarheit von … vertreten

When one considers the man’s achievements, the portrait of him painted in this volume amounts to little more than a calumny.

die Art, wie er in diesem Band dargestellt wird

The writer puts the case for restrictions on the freedom of speech very persuasively.

argumentiert für

The House of Commons, it has been said, is like an elephant’s trunk: it can fell an oak or pick up a pin.

man hat bemerkt, daß

This line of thinking leads the author into the dangerous territory of feminist polemics.

dieser Gedankengang

These animals are perhaps less adaptable - which brings us to another side of the question: can the human race survive?

was eine andere Frage aufwirft

The writer here is clearly concerned to convey her conviction that life is seldom worth living, and never worth living to the full.

es liegt … offensichtlich viel daran, … zu

The author draws our attention to the fact that nowhere in the world is the soil so poor.

macht uns darauf aufmerksam, daß

What this character is really saying is that he disagrees with the foundations of religious belief.

was … eigentlich zum Ausdruck bringen will, ist daß

According to the writer, these figures are inaccurate.

der Autor ist der Meinung, daß

The speaker is claiming, if I understand her rightly, that people do not really care about politics.

wenn ich sie recht verstehe

Quotations and Examples

We should consider, for example/for instance, the problems faced by tourists in a strange land.

zum Beispiel

Take the case of Heathcote in ’Lost Masters’.

wenn man zum Beispiel … nimmt

To illustrate the truth of this, one has only to mention the tragic death of Ophelia.

um das zu veranschaulichen

A single, but striking, example of this tendency is the way people dress for parties.

ein gutes Beispiel für

One instance is enough to show how powerful a device this is.

ein einziges Beispiel zeigt bereits deutlich

As Chesterton remarked, there is a purpose to everything.

wie schon … sagt

A recent newspaper article claimed that inflation was now beaten.

in einem kürzlich erschienenen Zeitungsartikel wird behauptet, daß

Wordsworth observed with much truth that daffodils are impressive in large numbers.

… hat zu Recht bemerkt, daß

According to the Prime Minister, our foreign policy is benevolent.


The writer makes this point graphically, by instancing the plight of those whose beliefs clash with the society they belong to.

belegt sein Argument sehr anschaulich

Writing in 1932, Professor Armour-Jenkins said that unemployment had destroyed the minds of one generation, and the bodies of the next.

im Jahre 1932 schrieb …, daß

This passage serves to illustrate the way in which the writer, more than any other Irish writer of his time, looks sympathetically at the problems of the English middle classes.


Take another example: many thousands of people have been and still are condemned to a life of sickness and pain because the hospital service cannot cope with the demand for its services.

um ein weiteres Beispiel anzuführen:

Making a Point

It is obvious to everyone that Freud is right.

es ist allen völlig klar, daß

What is quite certain is that justice will not always triumph.

eins ist sicher:

The writer clearly does not understand the issue.


The fact of the matter is that nuclear waste is and always will be harmful.

Tatsache ist doch, daß

It is easy to concentrate on this aspect of the problem, but the real question of the issue is different.

aber in Wirklichkeit ist die Frage doch

The facts speak for themselves: James is guilty.

die Tatsachen sprechen für sich

Politicians make much of educational aims, but what we are concerned with here is the financial resources to achieve these.

worum es hier geht, ist

It should be stressed that this is only a preliminary assumption.

man sollte betonen, daß

It would be ridiculous to assert that any one political doctrine holds the answer to our quest for Utopia.

es wäre geradezu lächerlich zu behaupten, daß

Few will dispute the claim that the microchip has changed our lives, although many will wish to take issue with the statement that it has changed them for the better.

es läßt sich nicht bestreiten, daß

It is undoubtedly true that time is money.


Conceding a Point

The new law could have far-reaching implications for patterns of crime.

könnte weitreichende Folgen für … haben

There might well be an explanation which we have overlooked.

es kann gut sein, daß

Such a response suggests that oder might be taken to mean that the group lacked enthusiasm for the project.

es … gibt könnte bedeuten, daß

Let us assume (oder suppose oder conjecture) that Mary does love Worthington.


There is a strong possibility that oder There is a strong probability that Worthington loves Mary.


One might reasonably suppose/One might justifiably assume that such behaviour would be frowned upon in any civilised society.

man kann mit Fug und Recht davon ausgehen, daß

Expressing Doubt

It is questionable whether the author intended this.

es ist fraglich, ob

The government’s present attitude raises the whole question of whether local government can survive in its present form.

wirft die Frage auf

This line of reasoning sets a serious question mark against the future of education.

stellt … ernstlich in Frage

It remains to be seen (however) whether new techniques can be found.

es wird sich zeigen, ob

It is to be doubted whether the book is intended to convey a real message.

es ist fraglich, ob

It may well be that Johnson is serious in this, but his motives are certainly questionable.

es kann sehr wohl sein, daß …, aber … fragwürdig

Few people would deny the benefits of such a scheme. But, it may be argued, few people would identify the need for it in the first place.

aber dem kann man entgegenhalten, daß

It is certainly true that moral factors are important in this area, but I wonder whether the economic background is not more crucial.

es ist sicher richtig, daß …, aber ich frage mich, ob

We can believe the author up to a point, but it is hard to be sure that he is right all the time.

bis zu einem gewissen Punkt …, aber

In spite of the known facts, there must be serious doubts about the validity of this approach.

trotz der bekannten Tatsachen

It is certainly possible that oder It cannot be ruled out that the author wished us to believe this.

es läßt sich nicht ausschließen, daß

It may be conceded that in this play Hector is a type rather than a person.

man muß zugeben, daß

Of course, one could reduce the number of accidents by such a method, but we must ask ourselves whether the price is not too high.

natürlich …, aber

Undoubtedly this has improved life for a large section of our society, but we must consider carefully the implications of this fact.

zweifellos …, aber

It cannot be denied that the buildings are unusual, but whether they are beautiful is quite another matter.

es läßt sich nicht bestreiten, daß …, aber

He has begun well. It remains to be seen whether he will continue as impressively.

es bleibt abzuwarten, ob

Expressing Agreement

Nothing could be more true to life than this portrayal of the pangs of youthful love.

nichts entspricht der Wahrheit mehr als

We must acknowledge the validity of the point made by Bevin.

wir müssen &hellip eingestehen

In a minor sense, however, one is forced to admit that these criticisms have some validity.

diese Kritik in gewisser Weise angebracht ist

It is, as the writer says, a totally unexpected event.

wie der Autor richtig bemerkt

Their opponents are to be congratulated on the accuracy of their predictions.

man kann &hellip zu &hellip nur beglückwünschen

He says, rightly in my view, that there is no meaning in this statement.

für meine Begriffe zu Recht

In Act II, the hero makes an extremely perspicacious remark about John’s intentions.

eine sehr treffende Bemerkung

Expressing Disagreement

It is hard to agree with the popular view that religious belief is out-of-date.

es fällt schwer, mit &hellip übereinzustimmen

This statement is totally inaccurate/is very far from the truth in many respects.

ist sehr weit von der Wahrheit entfernt

Unfortunately, there is not the slightest evidence to justify such a claim.

gibt es für diese Behauptung nicht den geringsten Beweis

This argument offers no solution to the problems which have beset the artist from time immemorial.

bietet keinerlei Lösungsansatz für

This is clearly a false view of the poet’s intentions.

dies ist eindeutig ein falsches Verständnis der

The pessimistic view of life should not go unchallenged.

sollte man nicht unwidersprochen hinnehmen

This simplistic notion of Shakespeare’s aim is quite unconvincing.

diese grob vereinfachende Sicht von &hellip ist keineswegs überzeugend

I find it impossible to accept the philosophical argument for this.

ich kann &hellip einfach nicht akzeptieren

Stressing Certain Points

Let us be clear that the essential question is not one of money.

man sollte sich darüber im klaren sein, daß

It should never be forgotten that the writer belongs to his own times.

man sollte nie vergessen, daß

It is hard to overemphasize the importance of keeping an open mind.

man kann gar nicht genug betonen, wie wichtig es ist

This disaster underlines the importance of good safety measures.

unterstreicht, wie wichtig &hellip sind

Most important of all, we must understand the feelings of the victims.

vor allem

The reasoning behind this conclusion deserves especial consideration.

verdient besondere Aufmerksamkeit

Not only does this passage enlighten us, but it also inspires us.

&hellip nicht nur, sondern &hellip auch

It is well worth noting the background to this argument.

&hellip verdient besondere Beachtung

It is essential to realise that the problem will not be solved by more spending.

vor allem muß man sich klar machen, daß

This scene s a difficult one, especially in view of the unlikely background events.

besonders im Hinblick auf

Next I wish to focus our attention on the use of dramatic irony.

möchte ich unser Augenmerk auf &hellip lenken

What is more, the argument lacks conviction.

hinzu kommt noch, daß

It is no coincedence that law comes before order in the popular mind.

es ist sicher kein Zufall, daß

Another argument supports this thesis: without the contribution which the working woman makes to the economy, taxes would rise immediately.

es gibt noch ein weiteres Argument für diese These:

The chief feature of this scheme is its emphasis on equality of opportunity rather than material goods.

das Hauptmerkmal

Let us remember that any chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

wir wollen nicht vergessen

Moreover, it was significant that the Conference rejected the call for peace at any price.

außerdem war es aufschlußreich

Virginia Woolf’s attitude to this, as to many things, is particularly interesting in that it reflects the artist’s sense of isolation.

ist besonders interessant, weil