Project UI Bundle - 17.1.2002

Oops! I accidentally introduced a bug into the UI bundle when I packaged it yesterday (16.1.2002); I wanted to eliminate the MediaTracker from the code to make it simpler, but when I did I accidentally referenced the icon images as files instead of resources. The result was that the images could not be found and the maze showed up blank. Sorry.

This is the initial release of the project UI bundle; it is likely that there are still some bugs in it, but it worked okay for my tests. Please remember that there is a performance problem under Windows, so when you start the UI bundle and when you try to start a game it may take a while. This behavior is "normal" for Windows, but Linux did not exhibit this behavior.

If you just want to use the UI bundle, then:

If you want to see the source code (and potentially build) the UI bundle, then:

Have fun!