Concurrent Programming (19530-V)

Dr. Richard S. Hall WS 01/02

- Übung 1 -

Assigned: 23.10.2001
Due: 30.10.2001

1.  Exercise

For each of the following processes, create the Finite State Process (FSP) description from the Labeled Transition System (LTS) graph.

a) Move:
[LTS graph]

b) Game
[LTS graph]

c) Computer
[LTS graph]

2.  Exercise

A bi-stable digitial circuit receives a sequence of trigger inputs and alternatively outputs a 0 or 1. Model the process BISTABLE using FSP.  The process should perform the following action trace:

    trigger -> 1 -> trigger -> 0 -> trigger -> 1 ...

(Hint: To output an integer value just use an indexed value without a label, i.e., foo -> [0].)

3.  Exercise

A sensor measures the water level of a tank. The level (initially 5) has a range of 0..9. The sensor outputs a low signal if the level is less than 2 and a high signal if the level is greater than 8, otherwise it outputs a normal signal. Model the sensor as an FSP process called SENSOR.

(Hint: The possible actions of the process are level[0..9], high, low, and normal.)