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Using the Java profiler

In order to help resolve your support question, we will need to look at your file. These instructions will tell you how to set up and run the Java profiler, which will create this file.

Setting up the environment

Before you begin, please make sure the following conditions are met:

  1. You must use JavaSoft's JVM, not Sunsoft's.
    Install the JDK from JavaSoft, version 1.1.6. This will guarantee that you generate a profile that we can use to help you solve your problem. You can download the JDK 1.1.6. from JavaSoft (it is free).

  2. You must set your CLASSPATH to include the correct JavaSoft JDK. Please confirm that you do not have any other versions of Java in your CLASSPATH.

  3. You must run the WebLogic Server on NT to generate a useful prof file. (Your client programs can run on any system.)

How to run the profiler

  1. Start the WebLogic Server with this command:
 $ java_g -prof -ms16m -mx16m -noasyncgc -verbosegc weblogic.Server

When you run java_g, make sure you specify the path to the JavaSoft version. This will usually be something like: c:\java\bin\java_g.exe

  1. Exercise your application.
  2. Shutdown the WebLogic Server with the command:
 $ java weblogic.Admin t3://WebLogicURL:port SHUTDOWN system systempassword

where WebLogicURL is the host name of the WebLogic Server, port is the port at which WebLogic is listening for login requests, and systempassword is the administrative password assigned to system in your file.

Note: The shutdown will take about one minute to complete.

The file will be written into the current working directory of wherever the server is running unless you give an explicit filename argument to-prof. The file will not be written until the JVM exits normally (i.e. if you Ctrl-c, the file will not be written -- you must shut down the server normally, as shown above). This is the file you will need to send to WebLogic support for analysis.

The most important information for WebLogic staff is the memory usage information. There will be two sections,

Section 1 begins with the label count callee caller time.

Section 2 begins with the label handles_used: ####, handles_free: ######, heap-used: ######, heap-free: ########. This is the section WebLogic staff will need to see to help resolve your support question.

Note for Oracle users

If your Oracle instance is running on Solaris and you are creating a connection pool when you start WebLogic, you may have problems shutting down WebLogic gracefully. The workaround is to set a private property in the weblogic properties file weblogic.system.consoleInputEnabled=true. Then, when you are ready to shutdown the server, type "shut" in the shell where WebLogic is running. After profiling, be sure to remove this property from your properties file.


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Last updated 01/14/1999