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Creating a .zip file for a Java application

This utility takes the standard out from running a Java application in verbose mode, finds the Java classes referenced, and creates an uncompressed .zip file that contains those Java classes. You can use this program to create .zip files to support a Java application that runs on a local machine.

To create a .zip file with this program:

  1. Check your CLASSPATH. It should include the JDK, the WebLogic classes, and your application class or package. For help setting your CLASSPATH, see the Customer Support guide, Setting classpath.
  2. Run the Java application in verbose mode, with the output directed into a temporary file. Running an application in verbose mode prints to stderr (standard error) a list of all the classes loaded as the application starts up. Since the output from verbose mode goes to stderr, you need to redirect with "> &" in UNIX and with "2>" in NT.
  3. Run the utility with the temporary file you created, as shown below.


From the document root directory of your HTTP server:
  $ java utils.verboseToZip inputFile zipFileToCreate


Temporary file that contains the output of running the application in verbose mode.
Name of the .zip file to create. The resulting .zip file will be created in the directory in which you run the program.


UNIX example:

  $ java -verbose myapplication > & classList.tmp
  $ java utils.verboseToZip classList.tmp

NT example:

  $ java -verbose myapplication 2> classList.tmp
  $ java utils.verboseToZip classList.tmp


Copyright © 2000 BEA Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Required browser: Netscape 4.0 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.
Last updated 01/13/1999