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Release Notes for WebLogic jDriver for Oracle



This driver is now called WebLogic jDriver for Oracle. Its former name was jdbcKona/Oracle.

WebLogic jDriver for Oracle has been updated to incorporate some of the features available in Oracle 8, such as Blobs and Clobs, and also for new features available in the JDBC 2.0 specification (using JDBC 2.0 requires that you run your driver with a JDK 1.2.x JVM).

These changes require a different setting for your system PATH or ld_library_path. For details, see Setting your path and client libraries.

WebLogic jDriver for Oracle is not available on all platforms in this release. See WebLogic Platform Support for details.


jDriver for Oracle available for the HP-UX 11 platform.

WebLogic jDriver for Oracle (formerly called jdbcKona/Oracle) is now available for the HP-UX 11 platform for Oracle client versions 8.0.4, 8.0.5, and 8.1.5. There are some restrictions on its use. For more information, see Issues and Installing WebLogic jDriver for Oracle

For information on using new Oracle 8 and JDBC 2.0 features, see the Developer Guides Using jdbcKona/Oracle .

WebLogic jDriver for Oracle: Blobs and Clobs

The procedure for using Oracle Blobs and Clobs requires that you cast the Blob or Clob object to weblogic.jdbc20.common.OracleClob or weblogic.jdbc20.common.OracleBlob.


Issue 9431.

WebLogic jDriver for Oracle is not supported when using the Oracle 8 API and connecting to an version 7 Oracle DBMS.

Issue 9283

CallableStatement.getResultSet()with a defined ResultSet Cursor does not work when using the Oracle 8.1.5 DBMS on the Solaris operating system.

When using Oracle client version 8.0.5 and executing a CallableStatement with a defined ResultSet Cursor, you must re-register the cursor prior to each CallableStatement.getResultSet() call. For example:

weblogic.jdbc.common.OracleCallableStatement cstmt2 = 
conn.prepareCall("{CALL single_cursor(?, ?)}");

cstmt2.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.OTHER);

// You can also set input parameters, execute the statement,
// retrieve the query into a ResultSet, and print it
// for each set of input parameters.

("FIRST sproc 'single_cursor' exec for INT==1\n\n\n\n");

cstmt2.setInt(2, 1);
rs = cstmt2.getResultSet(1);

System.out.println("FIRST sproc 'single_cursor' exec for

// Add the following line to re-register the cursor:
cstmt2.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.OTHER);

cstmt2.setInt(2, 2);
rs = cstmt2.getResultSet(1);

Cross-platform incompatibility when using Oracle 8.0.5 and 8.1.5 clients running on HP.

The following combinations are known to be incompatible:

Issue 9708

Using the CLOB datatype and using codeset conversions while running the Oracle client and Oracle server on different operating systems will fail.

Issue 10026

jDriver for Oracle is only supported on HP when the Oracle client and Oracle server are the same version. For example, an Oracle 8.0.5 client is only supported when connecting to an Oracle 8.0.5 server.