BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 5.1.0 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use RemoteException   

Uses of RemoteException in

Methods in that throw RemoteException
 Remote Server.lookup(java.lang.String url)
          Returns an Remote object based on the URL string
 Remote Tengah.lookup(java.lang.String url)

Uses of RemoteException in weblogic.common

Methods in weblogic.common that throw RemoteException
 void CallbackDispatcher.invoke(weblogic.rjvm.RemoteRequest req)
 T3Client T3Client.setHardDisconnectTimeoutMins(int minutes)
          Sets the value for a T3Client's hard disconnect timeout in minutes.
 T3Client T3Client.setSoftDisconnectTimeoutMins(int minutes)
          Sets the value for a T3Client's soft disconnect timeout in minutes.
 T3Client T3Client.setIdleDisconnectTimeoutMins(int minutes)
          Sets the value for a T3Client's idle disconnect timeout in minutes.
 T3Client T3Client.setVerbose(boolean verbose)
          Sets the verbose setting for a T3Client.
 void T3Client.sendOneWay(java.lang.String clss, java.lang.Object o)
 weblogic.rjvm.Response T3Client.sendRecvAsync(java.lang.String clss, java.lang.Object o)
          Replaces sendRecv and sendLazy/recv, because it is non-blocking.

Uses of RemoteException in weblogic.rmi

Subclasses of RemoteException in weblogic.rmi
 interface AccessException
          This exception is provided for compatibility with java.rmi.*
 interface ConnectException
          This exception is provided for compatibility with java.rmi.*
 interface ConnectIOException
          This exception is provided for compatibility with java.rmi.*
 interface MarshalException
          This exception is provided for compatibility with java.rmi.*
 interface NoSuchObjectException
          This exception is provided for compatibility with java.rmi.*
 interface ServerError
          This exception is provided for compatibility with java.rmi.*
 interface ServerException
          This exception is provided for compatibility with java.rmi.*
 interface ServerRuntimeException
          This exception is provided for compatibility with java.rmi.*
 interface StubNotFoundException
          This exception is provided for compatibility with java.rmi.*
 interface UnexpectedException
          This exception is provided for compatibility with java.rmi.*
 interface UnknownHostException
          This exception is provided for compatibility with java.rmi.*
 interface UnmarshalException
          This exception is provided for compatibility with java.rmi.*

Methods in weblogic.rmi that throw RemoteException
static Remote Naming.lookup(java.lang.String name)
static void Naming.bind(java.lang.String name, Remote impl)
static void Naming.unbind(java.lang.String name)
static void Naming.rebind(java.lang.String name, Remote obj)
static java.lang.String[] Naming.list(java.lang.String name)

Uses of RemoteException in weblogic.rmi.dgc

Methods in weblogic.rmi.dgc that throw RemoteException
 Lease DGC.dirty(ObjID[] aobjID, long i, Lease lease)
 void DGC.clean(ObjID[] aobjID, long i, VMID vMID, boolean flag)

Uses of RemoteException in weblogic.rmi.extensions

Methods in weblogic.rmi.extensions with parameters of type RemoteException
static boolean RemoteHelper.isRecoverableFailure(RemoteException e)
          Returns true if 'exception' indicates a problem that may be overcome by a retry.
static boolean RemoteHelper.isRecoverablePreInvokeFailure(RemoteException e)
          Returns true if it may be possible to recover from the given remote exception and the exception occurred befored the remote impl was invoked.

Methods in weblogic.rmi.extensions that throw RemoteException
 void AbstractRequest.sendOneWay()
 void AbstractRequest.sendAsync()
 void RemoteObjectHelper.exportObject()
          Incrementes the reference count for the remote object.
 weblogic.rmi.extensions.RemoteObjectReference AbstractRemoteObjectReference.referenceFromString(java.lang.String objectAsString)
          Returns a reference based on the string value of a remote object.
 weblogic.rmi.extensions.RuntimeDescriptor BasicServerObjectReference.getDescriptor()
 weblogic.rmi.extensions.Stub BasicServerObjectReference.getStub()
 weblogic.rmi.extensions.RemoteObjectReference BasicServerObjectReference.getRemoteObjectReference()
 void BasicServerObjectAdapter.preInvoke(int optnum, weblogic.rmi.extensions.IncomingRequest request)
          Handles any initialization for the incomming request.
 java.lang.Throwable BasicServerObjectAdapter.invoke(int optnum, weblogic.rmi.extensions.IncomingRequest request)
          Call into the skeleton to invoke the remote method returning any exception for post processing.
 void BasicRequestDispatcher.dispatch(weblogic.rmi.extensions.IncomingRequest request)
 java.lang.Object RemoteVM.getT3Services()
 weblogic.rmi.extensions.RemoteObjectReference BasicRuntimeDescriptor.getRemoteReference(int oid, java.lang.Object o)
 boolean BasicRuntimeDescriptor.getDispatchInOriginalThread(int operationID)
 boolean BasicRuntimeDescriptor.getImplRespondsToClient(int operationID)
 void ServerObjectAdapter.preInvoke(int optnum, weblogic.rmi.extensions.IncomingRequest request)
 java.lang.Throwable ServerObjectAdapter.invoke(int optnum, weblogic.rmi.extensions.IncomingRequest request)
 weblogic.rmi.extensions.RemoteObjectReference RuntimeDescriptor.getRemoteReference(int oid, java.lang.Object o)
          Implementations of RuntimeDescriptor can provide a factory for reference types used to override or replace the function of the basic (transient) reference used by the RMI runtime.
 boolean RuntimeDescriptor.getDispatchInOriginalThread(int operationID)
          Returns true if an operation should be dispatched in the reader thread.
 boolean RuntimeDescriptor.getImplRespondsToClient(int operationID)
          Returns true if an implmention claims responsibility for sending the response for an operation to the client.
 void Request.sendOneWay()
          Dispatch the request to the remote object with no possible reply; any exception thrown is due to marshalling the request.
 void Request.sendAsync()
          Makes an asynchronous call to the remote object; any exceptiun thrown is due to marshalling the request.
 weblogic.rmi.extensions.RemoteObjectReference RemoteObjectReference.referenceFromString(java.lang.String stringRep)
          Returns a reference based on the string value of a remote object.
 weblogic.rmi.extensions.Stub ActivatableRuntimeDescriptor.getStub(weblogic.rmi.extensions.ActivationIdentifier aid)
 weblogic.rmi.extensions.RemoteObjectReference ActivatableRuntimeDescriptor.getRemoteReference(int oid, java.lang.Object impl)
 weblogic.rmi.extensions.RemoteObjectReference ActivatableRuntimeDescriptor.getActivatedRemoteReference(int oid, java.lang.Object impl)
 weblogic.rmi.extensions.RemoteObjectReference ActivationFaultHandler.getReference()
 weblogic.rmi.extensions.RemoteObjectReference ActivationFaultHandler.handleFault(weblogic.rmi.extensions.RemoteObjectReference ref, java.lang.Throwable faulure)
 void OutgoingResponse.send()
 void RequestDispatcher.dispatch(weblogic.rmi.extensions.IncomingRequest request)
 weblogic.rmi.extensions.ServerObjectReference OIDMngr.getServerObjectReference(java.lang.Object o)
          This method is used by the marshaling code to map (find or create) server references from the implementation objects.
 weblogic.rmi.extensions.RuntimeDescriptor ServerObjectReference.getDescriptor()
          Gets the property description used to to extract information about the remote object.
 weblogic.rmi.extensions.Stub ServerObjectReference.getStub()
          Factory method for stubs.
 weblogic.rmi.extensions.RemoteObjectReference ServerObjectReference.getRemoteObjectReference()
          Factory method for remote references.

Constructors in weblogic.rmi.extensions that throw RemoteException
Stub.Stub(weblogic.rmi.extensions.RemoteObjectReference ror)
BasicRequestDispatcher.BasicRequestDispatcher(java.lang.Object o)
BasicRequestDispatcher.BasicRequestDispatcher(int oid, java.lang.Object o)
ActivatableRequestDispatcher.ActivatableRequestDispatcher(java.lang.Object o)
ActivatableRequestDispatcher.ActivatableRequestDispatcher(java.lang.Object o, weblogic.rmi.extensions.ActivationHelper helper)
ActivatableRequestDispatcher.ActivatableRequestDispatcher(int oid, java.lang.Object o)

Uses of RemoteException in weblogic.rmi.registry

Methods in weblogic.rmi.registry that throw RemoteException
 Registry RegistryHandler.registryStub(java.lang.String string, int i)
 Registry RegistryHandler.registryImpl(int i)
 Remote LocateRegistry.lookup(java.lang.String name)
          Returns a Remote object (an initialized instance of a stub or the instance of a colocated object), if the object is found in the weblogic.rmi name space.
 void LocateRegistry.bind(java.lang.String name, Remote o)
          Binds a name to a Remote object in the registry, unless the name is already bound in the registry.
 void LocateRegistry.unbind(java.lang.String name)
          Unbinds a name.
 void LocateRegistry.rebind(java.lang.String name, Remote o)
          Rebinds a name to a Remote object.
 java.lang.String[] LocateRegistry.list()
          Returns an array of names (URLs) currently bound into the Tengah registry.
static Registry LocateRegistry.getRegistry()
          This method, which is provided for compatibility with the java.rmi package, returns the Tengah registry located on "localhost".
static Registry LocateRegistry.getRegistry(int port)
          This method, which is provided for compatibility with the java.rmi package, returns the Tengah registry located on "localhost" at the specified port.
static Registry LocateRegistry.getRegistry(java.lang.String name)
          This method, which is provided for compatibility with the java.rmi package, returns the Tengah registry located on the specified host.
static Registry LocateRegistry.getRegistry(java.lang.String name, int port)
          This method, which is provided for compatibility with the java.rmi package, returns the Tengah registry located on the specified host and port.
static Registry LocateRegistry.createRegistry(int port)
          This method, which is provided for compatibility with the java.rmi package, returns the Tengah registry located on "localhost" at the specified port
 Remote Registry.lookup(java.lang.String string)
 void Registry.bind(java.lang.String string, Remote remote)
 void Registry.unbind(java.lang.String string)
 void Registry.rebind(java.lang.String string, Remote remote)
 java.lang.String[] Registry.list()

Uses of RemoteException in weblogic.rmi.server

Subclasses of RemoteException in weblogic.rmi.server
 interface ExportException
          This class is provided strictly for compatibility with java.rmi.*
 interface SkeletonMismatchException
          This class is provided strictly for compatibility with java.rmi.*
 interface SkeletonNotFoundException
          This class is provided strictly for compatibility with java.rmi.*
 interface SocketSecurityException
          This class is provided strictly for compatibility with java.rmi.*

Methods in weblogic.rmi.server that throw RemoteException
static Remote UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(java.lang.Object o)
 RemoteStub ServerRef.exportObject(Remote remote, java.lang.Object object)
 RemoteCall RemoteRef.newCall(RemoteObject remoteObject, Operation[] aoperation, int i, long j)
 void RemoteRef.done(RemoteCall remoteCall)

Uses of RemoteException in

Methods in that throw RemoteException
 weblogic.common.managedobject.BaseManagedObjectDef[] RealmsMO.getManagedSubObjects()
          Returns the managed subobjects for a RealmsMO.

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