Java for C++ Developers - C++ and Java keywords

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This is a quick guide to C++ keywords and concepts, and the Java equivalents. I've tried to include everything useful I can think of, but it's probably not complete.

C++Java equivalent
Boolean (doesn't exist in C++) boolean
Java has a real Boolean type, not the C++ hack of using integers, and assigning true/false based on zero versus non-zero.
As for C++ In addition to breaking out of the innermost control block (as in C++), you can also specify labels and break to a label.
As for C++  
Similar to C++, plus throws

Exception handling is similar to C++, but Java is stricter than C++ with exception specifications.

Also, throws is used instead of throw in an exception specifier.

As for C++, plus boolean and byte Unlike in C++, Java numeric types are signed (so there's no signed and unsigned keywords) and have fixed sizes on all platforms.
class as in C++; struct and union don't exist. Use classes instead of structs; use inheritance instead of unions.
Concurrent processing synchronized Java has built-in support for concurrent processing using threads and synchronisation.
const Partial support with final const has many different meanings in C++. Java doesn't support all of them. In fact, it doesn't even come close.
Constructor As for C++ As in C++, a constructor has the same name as the function name, and there can be more than one constructor for a class.
delete None Java has automatic garbage collection, so there's no need for delete.
Derived class extends Example:
  C++:  class Fred : public Base
  Java: class Fred extends Base
Destructor finalize Because Java provides automatic garbage collection, you'll probably be writing fewer destructors than in C++.
As for C++  
enum None Java has no support for enums.
extern None There's no real equivalent to C++'s extern statement, because Java doesn't require every external reference in a source file to be declared before use.
extern "C" native Java can link to code written in other languages by calling native methods.
friend package The Java package mechanism provides the power of friend classes, with much better control.
Function overloading As in C++ You might use function overloading slightly more than in C++, because Java doesn't support default values for function parameters. This can be simulated by providing different overloaded functions.
goto Not used, but a reserved word  
inline None There is no clear equivalent to inline, though declaring methods as final might make them inline. As with C++, it's up to the compiler.
Multiple inheritance implements
Java doesn't have true multiple inheritance.
new As for C++ This is used more extensively than in C++, because all objects (i.e. non-primitive types) have to be created using new. In C++, this is only needed for non-stack-allocated objects.

There is no "placement new" operator.

NULL null The Java version is a real keyword, not a #define'd constant.
operator None Java doesn't support operator overloading.
Pointers None Java pointers are handled internally by the compiler. There is no "pointer notation" nor pointer arithmetic.
Similar to C++ These keywords are similar to their use in C++, except that they are applied individually to members rather than grouping them together. The default access is "package", which doesn't have a special keyword.
Pure virtual
(the =0 notation)
abstract Unlike in C++, this is applied to classes as well as member functions.
References Implicit way of accessing objects Java objects are automatically accessed as references - there's no special notation to indicate a reference.
return As for C++, plus finally Java allows a finally block, which is executed on any return or exception return from a function.
sizeof None This operator isn't available in Java. Since all primitive data types have known sizes, it isn't necessary.
static Similar to C++ use in classes The C use of static (to restrict access to file scope or function scope) has no place in Java at all. The C++ use for class member functions is almost the same in Java. Java adds one extra feature in a class: You can do class initialisation by including a block of code with just the static keyword before it.
template None Java doesn't support templates
this As for C++, plus super this and super both refer to the current object. super refers to members in the base class, in places where it's important to make a distinction.
typedef None  
virtual None Java members are virtual by default.

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