Themen Seminar Netzsicherheit  SS 2003



Einführung und Vortragsvergabe

29.4.    (fällt aus)
Perrig, Song, Tygar:  ELK, a new protocol for efficient large-group key distribution.
Proc. 2001 IEEE SSP, 247-262

6.5.    (Doreen Rosenthal)   Vortrag
Berthold, Federrath, Köpsell:  Web MIXes: a system for anonymous and unobservable Internet access.
Springer LNCS 2009, 115-129

13.5.    (Frank Bregulla)   Vortrag
Sherwood, Bhattacharjee, Srinivasan:  P5: a protocol for scalable anonymous communication.
Proc. 2002 IEEE SSP, 58-72

20.5.    (Bastian Voigt)
Sun et al.:  Statistical identification of encrypted Web browsing traffic.
Proc. 2002 IEEE SSP, 19-30

27.5.    (Heiko Ehrig)   Vortrag
Vigna, Kemmerer:  Netstat: a network-based intrusion detection system.
Journal of Computer Security 7(1), 1999

3.6.  (Jürgen Bross)
Algesheimer et al.:  Cryptographic security for mobile code.
Proc. 2001 IEEE SSP, 2-11

10.6.    (Ingmar Camphausen)

Mok, Yu:  TINMAN: a resource bound security checking system for mobile code.
Proc. ESORICS 2002, Springer LNCS 2502, 178-

Giles et al.:  Authentication for distributed Web caches.
Proc. ESORICS 2002, Springer LNCS 2502, 126-

Rao et al.:  Partitioning attacks: or how to rapidly clone some GSM cards.
Proc. 2002 IEEE SSP, 31-44

Zheng et al.:  Using replication and partitioning to build secure distributed systems.
Proc. 2003 IEEE SSP
