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7. Property Reference


There are two ways to annotate a project file with comments. All text after a '#' will be ignored. Comments that span multiple rows must be started with '/*' and ended with '*/'.


A DATE is an ISO-compliant date in the format YYYY-MM-DD[-hh:mm[:ss]][-TIMEZONE]. Hour, minutes, seconds and the TIMEZONE are optional. If not specified, the values are set to 0. The local timezone or the default timezone is used if no other is specified. If the timezone is not known taskjuggler will fall back to UTC (GMT). The value of TIMEZONE can either be a timezone name or since this can be ambiguous, the offset to GMT as +HHMM or -HHMM. See the source code (taskjuggler/Utility.cpp) for details.


A GLOBAL_ID may have the same characters as ID, but additionally may contain '.' and '!'. '!' may only be used at the beginning and is used in relative IDs. A '!' means one level up.


A string that may consist of the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and _. It may not start with a number.


A number that is an integer.


This is a logical expression consisting of logical operations, such as '&' for and, '|' for or, and '~' for not, to operate on INTEGER values or symbols. As symbols flag names and certain functions are supported. The expression is evaluated from left to right. '~' has a higher precedence than other operators. Use braces to avoid ambiguous operations. If flagFoo, flagFooBar, and flagBar are declared flags, the following example is a correct expression:

(flagFoo | flagFooBar) & ~flagBar

The following functions can be used in logical expressions:

containstask( ID)

true if the task has task ID as sub task.


true if the task is a milestone.

issubtask( ID)

true if the task is a sub task of task ID.

istask( ID)

true if the tasks has the listed ID.

isresource( ID)

true if the resource has the listed ID.

isaccount( ID)

true if the account has the listed ID.


A real number (e.g., 3.14).


See attribute description for allowed values.


A string may contain any characters and is enclosed in single quotes or double quotes. A single quoted string may contain double quote characters and vice versa. A string may include line breaks.


A time in the format HH:MM.


May be min for minutes, h for hours, d for days, w for weeks, m for months, y for years. Week, month and year specifications are only approximated values and are handled slightly different for length, effort and duration intervals. For length and effort only working days are counted. The number or working days per week, month or year is determined by the setting of yearlyworkingdays. The number of working hours or minutes per working day is determined by the setting of dailyworkinghours.


May be


for Monday


for Tuesday


for Wednesday


for Thursday


for Friday


for Saturday


for Sunday

Optional attributes of a property must be enclosed by {}.

7.1 account <id> <name> <type>

id: ID

name: STRING

type: ID

Optional attributes:

account <id> <name>

Accounts may be nested. An account that has subaccounts may not have a balance or a kotrusid.

credit <date> <description> <amount>

date: DATE

description STRING

amount: REAL

Credits the specified amount to the account at the specified date. The description should contain some information about the reason for the transaction.

kotrusid <id>


The KoTrus ID of the account (cost object). This is a special reserved keyword.

Declares an account. Accounts can be used to calculate costs of tasks or the whole project. Account declaration may be nested, but only the top level accounts may have a type attribute specified. All subaccounts inherit this type. The type may be cost or revenue.

See also: htmlaccountreport

7.2 copyright <text> Define the copyright or other legal statement for your projectreports. The text will appear underneath the HTML reports right nextto the TaskJuggler version information.

7.3 currency <text>

text: STRING

The currency for money values in reports.

See also: account, currencydigits

7.4 currencydigits <number>

number: INTEGER

The number of decimal digits used for currency values.

See also: account, currency

7.5 export <filename>

filename: STRING

Optional attributes:

hideresource <expression>


Report only resources that do not have flags meeting the described logical expression.

hidetask <expression>


Report only tasks that do not have flags meeting the described logical expression.

rollupresource <expression>


Do not show subresources of resources with flags meeting the described logical expression.

rolluptask <expression>


Do not show subtasks of tasks with flags meeting the described logical expression.

taskattributes <attributeID>[, <attributeID> ... ]

attributeID: The list of attribute names specifies which task attributes should be listed in the report in addition to the ones exported by default. The following values are supported. They correspond to the respective attributes of a task.

complete, depends, flags, maxend, maxstart, minend, minstart, note, priority, responsible

The export report looks like a regular taskjuggler file but contains fixed start and end dates for all tasks. The tasks only have start and end times, their description and their project id listed. No other attributes are exported unless they are requested using the taskattributes attribute.

If specified the resource usage for the tasks is reported as well. But only those allocations are listed that belong to tasks listed in the same export report.

The export report can be used to share certain tasks or milestones with other projects. When an export report is included the project IDs of the included tasks must be declared first with the projectid property.

7.6 flags <id>[,<id>]

id: ID

Declares the specified flags. Flags can be assigned to tasks, resources, or accounts to be used as filters during report generation. It is legal to declare a flag more than once.

See also: htmlaccountreport, htmlresourcereport, htmltaskreport

7.7 htmlaccountreport <filename>

filename: STRING

Optional attributes:


If this attribute is specified the values in the calendar columns are accumulated over the reported interval.

caption <text>

text: STRING

Defines the caption used for the report. The caption is printed right above the task list.

columns <colid>[,<colid>]

colid: ID

Specifies which columns should be included in the task report. The following values for colid are available:


The task index


The global ID of a task


The name of a task, resource, or account


Total accumulated values


A day-by-day calendar view of the accounts


A week-by-week calendar view of the accounts


A month-by-month calendar view of the accounts


A quarter-by-quarter calender view of the accounts

headline <text>

text: STRING

Defines the headline used for the report. The headline is printed on top of the page and with a larger font.

end <day>

day: DATE

The end date for the calender view.


Do not show the values of the plan scenario.

See also: showactual

rollupaccount <expression>


Do not show subaccounts of accounts that match the specified logical expression.

hideaccount <expression>


Do not show accounts that match the specified logical expression.


If this attribute is specified the values of the actual scenario are listed.

See also: hideplan

sortaccounts <criteria>


start <day>

day: DATE

The start date for the calender view.

7.8 htmlresourcereport <filename>

filename: STRING

Optional attributes:

See htmltaskresport

7.9 htmltaskreport <filename>

filename: STRING

Optional attributes:

caption <text>

text: STRING

Defines the caption used for the report. The caption is printed right above the task list.

columns <colid>[,<colid>]

colid: ID

Specifies which columns should be included in the task report. The following values for colid are available:


The costs of the task


A day-by-day calendar view of the tasks


The task index of the tasks on which this task depends


The duration of the task


The effort put into the task


The end date of a task


The percentage of the endbuffer


The start time of the end buffer


The task index of the tasks that depend on this task


The global ID of a task


The KotrRUs ID of the resource


The maximum daily load wanted for the resource


The latest desired end date


The latest desired start date


The minimum daily load wanted for the resource


The earliest desired end date


The earliest desired start date


A month-by-month calendar view of the tasks


The name of a task, resource, or account


The task index


The description of the task


The scheduling priority


The project id of the task


The daily rate of the resource


The names of the used resources


A list of all tasks indicies for which a resource is responsible


The name of the resource responsible for a task


The start date of a task


The percentage of the start buffer


The end time of the start buffer


A week-by-week calendar view of the tasks

end <day>

day: DATE

The end date for the calender view.

headline <text>

text: STRING

Defines the headline used for the report. The headline is printed on top of the page and with a larger font.

hideresource <expression>


List only resources that do not have flags meeting the described logical expression.

hidetask <expression>


List only tasks that do not have flags meeting the described logical expression.

loadunit <unit>

unit: Can be any of the following values:


Show load in man/resource-days.


Show load in man/resource-hours.


Show laod in the most appropriate unit and show long unit name.


Show load in man/resource-minutes.


Show load in man/resource-months.


Show load in the most appropriate unit and show short unit name.


Show load in man/resource-weeks.


Show load in man/resource-years.

The conversion between the load values is controlled by the values of dailyworkinghours and yearlyworkingdays.

rawhead <html>

html: STRING

The rawhead attribute can be used to insert HTML code between the caption and the table.

rawstylesheet <html>

html: STRING

The rawstylesheet attribute can be used to change the stylesheet of the htmlreport. The default stylesheet looks similar to this one:

.default { background-color:#f3ebae; font-size:70%; text-align:center }
.defaultlight { background-color:#fffadd; font-size:70%; text-align:center }
.task { background-color:#f3ebae; font-size:100%; text-align:left }
.tasklight { background-color:#fffadd; font-size:100%; text-align:left }
.available { background-color:#a4ff8d; font-size:70%; text-align:center }
.vacation { background-color:#fffc60; font-size:70%; text-align:center }
.weekend { background-color:#ffec80; font-size:70%; text-align:center }
.milestone { background-color:#ff2a2a; font-size:70%; text-align:center }
.booked { background-color:#ff9191; font-size:70%; text-align:center }
.bookedlight { background-color:#ffbfbf; font-size:70%; text-align:center }
.headersmall { background-color:#a5c2ff; font-size:70%; text-align:center }
.headerbig { background-color:#a5c2ff; font-size:110%; font-weight:bold; text-align:center }
.completed { background-color:#87ff75; font-size:70%; text-align:center }
.completedlight { background-color:#a1ff9a; font-size:70%; text-align:center }
.today { background-color:#a387ff; font-size:70%; text-align:center }

rawtail <html>

html: STRING

The rawtail attribute can be used to insert raw html code after the table.

rollupresource <expression>


Do not show subresources of resources with flags meeting the described logical expression.

rolluptask <expression>


Do not show subtasks of tasks with flags meeting the described logical expression.


If used, not only the plan values are listed in the table, but also the actual values. The actual values are put underneath the plan values.

sorttasks <criteria>


The sorting criteria specifies how the tasks in the generated report will be sorted. Possible values are:


This is the default and creates a list with subtasks indented and grouped together. If this sorting is used, parent tasks are shown when subtasks are not hidden, even if the parent task matches the hide expression.


Show nesting with indentation


Last index on top


First index on top


Last ID on top


First ID on top


Last full name on top


First full name on top


Last name on top


First name on top


Latest start date on top


Earliest start date on top


Latest end date on top


Earliest end date on top


Lowest priority on top


Highest priority on top


Last name of responsible on top


First name of responsible on top


Smallest minimal effort on top


Largest minimal effort on top


Smallest maximum effort on top


Largest maximum effort on top


Smallest rate on top


Largest rate on top


Last kotrusid on top


First kotrusid on top

start <day>

day: DATE

The start date for the calender view.

url <id> <href>

id: The ID specifies the location of the HTML report where the url should appear. The following IDs are currently supported:


The number of the day in daily calendars. Available macros: day, month, year


The name of the month in weekly or monthly calendars. Available macros: day, month year


The name of the resource. Available macros: resourceid


The name of the task. Available macros: taskid


The number of the week in weekly calendars. Available macros: day, month, year


The number of the year in yearly calendars. Available macros: day, month, year

href: A string pattern that is used to create the embedded URLs. This pattern may contain macros which are expanded during the report generation. The availability of the macros and their contense depends on the specified ID. To protect the macros from beeing expanded during file reading the macros in the URL string need to be started with two $ signs.

Example: url taskname "TaskList-Weekly.html#task_$${taskid}"

This attaches a hyperlink to all task names in the report. The hyperlinks point to anchors in a file called "TaskList-Weekly.html". Taskjuggler automatically generates anchors in reports. The ID of the anchors is task_<taskid> or resource_<resourceid>.

url monthheader "Resources-2002-$${month}.html"

This attaches a hyperlink to all month names in a monthly or weekly calendar header. The links point to files that contain the number of the month in the file name. The number is always two digits and prefixed with a 0 if necessary. The year marco expands to 4 digits.

Generates a report of all tasks (excluding hidden and filtered) in HTML format. Multiple declarations of htmltaskreport can be made to generate several different reports with one run of TaskJuggler.

7.10 icalreport <filename>

filename: STRING

create an ical calender format output file which can be imported to korganiser.

7.11 include <filename>

filename: STRING

Includes the specified file name as if its contents would be written instead of the include property. include commands can be used within global scope or between property declarations of tasks, resources, and accounts.

7.12 kotrusmode <mode>

mode: STRING

sets the kotrus mode. Valid values are

7.13 macro <id> [ body ]

id: ID

The body is not optional. It must be enclosed in [ ]. Macros can be declared like this:

macro FOO [ This text ]

If later ${FOO} is found in the project file, it is expanded to ' This text '. Macros may have arguments. Arguments are special macros with numbers as names. The number specifies the index of the argument.

macro FOO [ This ${1} text ]

will expand to ' This stupid text ' if called as ${FOO "stupid"}. Macros may call other macros.

Macro IDs should have at least one uppercase letter as all lowercase letter IDs may be used in a later version for built-in macros like 'if', 'expr' or 'for'.

7.14 maxeffort <value>

value: REAL

The default daily maximum effort for a resource. Resources will not be scheduled more than this value. This value will be used for all subsequent resource declarations unless specified otherwise.

7.15 mineffort <value>

value: REAL

The default daily minimum effort for a resource. Resources that are used less than this value will be marked in the report. This value will be used for all subsequent resource declarations unless specified otherwise.

7.16 priority <value>

value: INTEGER

The default scheduling priority for tasks. The value must be between 1 and 1000 and is inherited by all tasks if no other priority is specified. The default value is 500.

7.17 project <id> <name> <version> <start> <end>

id: ID

name: STRING

version: STRING

start: DATE

end: DATE

Optional attributes:

dailyworkinghours <value>

value: REAL

Set the average number of working hours per day. This is used as the base to convert working hours into working days. This affects for example the length task attribute. The default value is 8 hours and should work for most Western countries. The value you specifiy should match the settings you specified for workinghours.

now <sometime>

sometime: DATE

Use the specified day and time for computation of the project status instead of the current moment.

timezone <value>


Sets the default timezone of the project. All times that have no timezones spezified will be assumed to be in this timezone. The value must be a string just like those used for the TZ environment variable. Most Linux systems have a commandline utitity called tzselect to lookup possible values.

The project start and end time are not affected by this setting. You have to explicitly state the timezone for those dates or the system defaults are assumed.

timingresolution <value> <unit>


unit: UNIT

Sets the minimum timing resolution. The smaller the value, the longer the schedulings process lasts and the more memory the application needs. The default is 1 hour. The smallest value is 5 min.

yearlyworkingdays <value>

value: REAL

Set the average number of working days per year. This is used as the base to convert working days into working months or working years. This affects for example the length task attribute. The default value is 252 days and should work for most Western countries. The value you specify should match the settings you specified for workinghours and vacation.

The project property is mandatory and should be the first property in a project file. <id> is the default project ID used to register resource allocations in a global database. <name> is the name of the project. <version> is the version of the project file. Typically this is the CVS ID. <start> and <end> define the time frame of the project. The end may be well after the end of the last task, but must be specified to terminate the scheduling process.

7.18 projectid <id>

id: ID

This property adds a new project ID to the project. The project ID is then the new active project ID and all subsequent top-level task will inherit this ID.

See also: projectid

7.19 rate <money>

money: REAL

The default daily rate for using a resource full-time. This value will be used for all subsequent resource declarations unless specified otherwise.

7.20 resource <id> <name>

id: ID

name: STRING

Optional attributes:

actualbooking <from> <to> <project> <task>

from: DATE

to: DATE

task: ID

Assigns the resource for the specified interval to the specified task. This assignment is used for the actual scenario.

efficiency <value>

value: REAL

The efficiency of the resource. This can be used to describe a team as a resource. A team of five should have an efficiency of 5.0.

kotrusid <id>


The KoTrus ID of the resource (e-mail address).

maxeffort <value>

value: REAL

The daily maximum effort for a resource. Resources will not be scheduled to be used more than this value. A value of 1.0 means a full working day. 0.5 means half a working day.

mineffort <value>

value: REAL

The daily minimum effort for a resource. Resources that are used less than this value will be marked in the report.

planbooking <from> <to> <project> <task>

from: DATE

to: DATE

task: ID

Assigns the resource for the specified interval to the specified task. This assignment is used for the plan scenario.

rate <value>

value: REAL

The daily costs of the resource.

resource <id> <name>

Resources may be nested to create groups. A nested resource inherits the attributes of the parent resource. Only those attributes specified prior to the declaration of the nested resource are inherited.

shift <id> [<from> [- <to>]]

id: ID

from: DATE

to: DATE

Assigns the resource to a defined shift during the specified interval. Multiple shifts can be defined, but shift invervals may not overlap.

vacation <from> [- <to>]

from: DATE

to: DATE

Specifies a vacation for a resource. The to value is NOT included in the vacation. It specifies the first second after the vacation.

workinghours <weekday> <from> - <to>[,<from>-<to>]

weekday: WEEKDAY

from: TIME

to: TIME

Sets the working hours to the specified intervals. If no hours are specified for a day, the global definitions are used.

See also: workinghours

7.21 shift <id> <name>

id: ID

name: STRING

The following optional parameter may be used. At least one optional parameter must be specified.

shift <id> <name>

id: ID

name: STRING

Shifts may be nested. A nested shift inherits the attributes of the enclosing shift.

workinghours <weekday> <from>-<to>[,<from>-<to>]

weekday: WEEKDAY

from: TIME

to: TIME

Sets the working hours to the specified intervals. If no hours are specified for a day, the global definitions are used. If no working hours should be specified for a day, the keyword 'off' must be used instead of the time interval.

See also: workinghours, resource

When several resource have the same working hours, these working hours should be defined as shifts. Each shift must have a unique ID. Resources can be assigned to shifts for certain intervals.

See also: resource, task and allocate

7.22 supplement <task|resource> <ID>

ID: id

The supplement keyword provides a mechanism to add more attributes to already defined tasks or resources. The additional attributes must obey the same rules as in regular task or resource definitions and must be enclosed by curly braces.

This construct is primerily meant for situations where the information about a task or resource is split over serveral files. E. g. the vacation dates for the resources may be in a seperate file that was generated by some other tool.

7.23 task <id> <name>

id: ID

name: STRING

Optional attributes:

account <id>

id: ID

Specifies the account to which all money associated with this task will be credited.

This attribute is inherited by subtasks if specified prior to the definition of the subtask.

See also: account

actualend <date>

date: DATE

The actual end date of the task. This can be specified to compare the planned and actual dates.

See also: end, actualstart

actualstart <date>

date: DATE

The actual start date of the task. This can be specified to compare the planned and actual dates.

See also: start, actualend

allocate <id>

id: ID

Optional attributes:

alternative <id>[,<id>]

id: ID

Specifies IDs of alternative resources. One of the alternatives will be used if the main resource is not available. If multiple resources are used, they must be separated by commas.

load <days>

days: REAL

Specifies how many days the resource can be used per day for this task. A load of 0.5 means that the resource will be used for at most half a working day for this task.

select <criteria>

criteria: Determines the selection criteria. The following criterias are supported:


Pick the available resource that has been used the most so far.


Pick the available resource that has been used the least so far.


Pick the first available resource from the list.


Pick a random resource from the list.

The select functions controls which resource is picked from an allocation and it's alternatives. The selection is re-evaluated each time the resource used in the previous time slot becomes unavailable.

shift <id> [<from> [- <to>]]

id: ID

from: DATE

to: DATE

Limits the allocation activity during the specified intervals to the working hours of the shift. Multiple shifts intervals can be specified but shift invervals may not overlap.


If set, the first available resource out of the specified resource and its specified alternatives will be used for the entire task.

Specifies a resource that can be used to fulfill the task. More than one resource can be specified for a task. All resources must be declared before they can be used.

Resource allocations are mandatory for effort based tasks. Task with a length or duration specification may have resources allocated, but do not require them.

Tasks may not have subtasks if this attribute is used.

complete <percent>

percent: INTEGER

Specifies what percentage of the task is already completed. This can be useful for project tracking.

Tasks may not have subtasks if this attribute is used.

depends <id>[,<id>]


Specifies that the task cannot start before the task with the specified IDs have been finished. If multiple IDs are specified, they must be separated by commas. IDs must be either global or relative. A relative ID starts with a number of '!'. Each '!' moves the scope to the parent task. Global IDs do not contain '!', but have IDs separated by dots.


task foo1 {
   task foo2 { start 2002-12-04 }
   task foo3 { depends !foo2 }
task bar { depends foo1.foo2 }

By using the 'depends' attribute, the scheduling policy is automatically set to ASAP. If 'depends' and 'preceeds' are used, the last policy counts.

See also: scheduling, preceeds

duration <number> <unit>

number: REAL

unit: UNIT

Specifies the time the task occupies the resources. This is calender time, not working time. 7d means one week.

Tasks may not have subtasks if this attribute is used.

See also: effort, length

effort <number> <unit>

number: REAL

unit: UNIT

Specifies the effort needed to complete the task. An effort of 4d can be done with 2 full-time resources in 2 days.

WARNING: In almost all real world projects effort is not the product of time and resources. This is only true if the task can be partitioned without adding any overhead. For more information about this read "The Mythical Man-Month" by Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

Tasks may not have subtasks if this attribute is used.

See also: duration, length

end <date>

date: DATE

The planned end date for the task. If no end date is given, the task must depend on other tasks. If no dependency is given, the project start date is used. Setting an end date will switch the scheduling policy to ALAP.

See also: actualend, start

endbuffer <percent>

percent: REAL or INTEGER

The end buffer specifies how many percent of the specified length, duration or effort may be shortened at the end. This value is soley for documentational purposes. It is not used for scheduling. You can specify startbuffer or endbuffer values to document, that you might have some extra time to squeeze out if needed.

See also: startbuffer

endcredit <amount>

amount: REAL

Specifies an amount that is credited to the account specified by the account property at the moment the tasks ends.

See also: startcredit

flags <id>[,<id>]

id: ID

Attaches flags to the task. Flags can be used to filter tasks from the the output. Flags must be declared before they can be used.

Flags are inherited by subtasks from their parent tasks if they are declared before the subtask. Flags that are declared after the subtasks are not inherited.

length <number> <unit>

number: REAL

unit: UNIT

Specifies the time the task occupies the resources. This is working time, not calender time. 7d means 7 working days, not one week. Whether a day is considered a working day or not depends on the defined working hours and global vacations.

Tasks may not have subtasks if this attribute is used.

See also: duration, effort

maxend <date>

date: DATE

The latest desired end date for the task. If this date cannot be met, the task is marked in the task list.

This attribute is inherited by subtasks.

See also: minend

maxstart <date>

date: DATE

The latest desired start date for the task. If this date cannot be met, the task is marked in the task list.

This attribute is inherited by subtasks.

See also: minstart

minend <date>

date: DATE

The earliest desired end date for the task. If this date cannot be met, the task is marked in the task list.

This attribute is inherited by subtasks.

minstart <date>

date: DATE

The earliest desired start date for the task. If this date cannot be met, the task is marked in the task list.

This attribute is inherited by subtasks.

See also: maxstart

note <text>

text: STRING

A longer description of the task.

preceeds <id>[,<id>]


Specifies that this task preceeds the tasks with the specified IDs. If multiple tasks are specified, they must be separated by commas. The format is equivalent to the 'depends' attribute.

By using the preceeds attribute, the scheduling policy is automatically set to ALAP. If depends and preceeds are used, the last policy counts.

priority <value>

value: INTEGER

Specifies a priority between 1 and 1000. A task with higher priority is more likely to get the requested resources.

This attribute is inherited by subtasks if specified prior to the definition of the subtask.

projectid <id>

id: ID

Assings the specified project ID to the task. This will overwrite the inherited project id. Subtasks that are defined after a projectid statement will inherit the project ID.

See also: projectid

responsible <id>

id: ID

The ID of the resource that is responsible for this task.

This attribute is inherited by subtasks if specified prior to the definition of the subtask.

scheduling <policy>

policy: ID

This specifies the scheduling policy for the task. Possible values are:


As late as possible. The task is scheduled to happen as late as possible.


As soon as possible. The task is scheduled to happen as early as possible.

The scheduling policy is automatically changed if the depends or preceeds attributes are used. If multiple attributes that affect the scheduling policy are used, that last attribute determines the effective policy.

shift <id> [<from> [- <to>]]

id: ID

from: DATE

to: DATE

Limits the task activity during the specified interval to the working hours of the specified shift. Multiple shifts can be defined, but shift invervals may not overlap.

start <date>

date: DATE

The planned start date for the task. If no start date is given, the task must depend on other tasks. If no dependency is given, the project start date is used. Setting a start date will switch the scheduling policy to ASAP.

See also: actualstart, end

startbuffer <percent>

percent: REAL or INTEGER

The start buffer specifies how many percent of the specified length, duration or effort may be shortened at the begining of the task. This value is soley for documentational purposes. It is not used for scheduling. You can specify startbuffer or endbuffer values to document, that you might have some extra time to squeeze out if needed.

See also: endbuffer

startcredit <amount>

amount: REAL

Specifies an amount that is credited to the account specified by the account property at the moment the tasks starts.

See also: account, endcredit

task <id> <name>

id: ID

name: STRING

A task may have subtasks. If subtasks are specified, many of the other attributes are illegal. See attributes for details.

Tasks may be nested and some attributes are inherited by the subtasks.

7.24 vacation name <start> [- <end>]

name: STRING

start: DATE

end: DATE

Defines a vacation period for all resources. The end value is NOT part of the vacation. So 2001-12-24 - 2001-12-25 specifies one day of vacation, not two days.

7.25 workinghours <weekday> <from>-<to>[,<from>-<to>]

weekday: WEEKDAY

from: TIME

to: TIME

Sets the working hours to the specified intervals. The values are used as default values for all resources defined afterwards. The default values are 08:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00 from Mon - Fri. A day that has no defined working hours is not considered a working day when determining the length of a task.

See also: resource, shift

7.26 workinghoursperday <value>

value: INTEGER

Specifies the number of working hours per day. This value is used to calculate the daily load from the number of booked hours. If workingHoursPerDay is set to 8 and a resource is used for 12 hours on a day, the daily load is 1.5. Change this value with care as it affects many internal calculations.

7.27 xmltaskreport <filename>

filename: STRING

create a xml task report to the given file. Note that this is still experimental. The format might change in future releases.

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