JAXM 1.1 Reference Implementation 

The JAXM 1.1 Reference Implementation (RI) is an implementation of an XML-based messaging system. It is based on The overall goal is to provide a lightweight implementation to help build business-to-business (b-to-b) applications using JAXM. Typical b-to-b scenarios generally involve two or more business entities communicating via the Internet using a common protocol, such as HTTP.

This RI tries to provide an application programming model for both servlet-based b-to-b applications and standalone b-to-b applications.

The rest of this document briefly describes what is in this release.

The Core

The core includes client-side libraries to generate SOAP messages using the JAXM API. This client-side runtime library can be used to send messages to remote parties either directly or using a remote provider. Messages can be received synchronously (using a request-response model) or asynchronously (using a one-way model). In this release, support for the asynchronous receipt of messages is implemented using a servlet. A standalone client, that is, one that does not run in a container such as a servlet, must include client-side libraries in its CLASSPATH.

Point-to-point SOAP Communication

A client can send messages directly to the ultimate recipient using a SOAPConnection object. This type of connection, called a point-to-point connection, connects the client to the intended recipient rather than to a messaging provider. Therefore, when the application sends a message, the message goes directly to the intended recipient. This kind of SOAP message exchange uses the APIs in the javax.xml.soap package. SOAPConnection (and its related classes) is a pure library implementation that lets you send SOAP messages directly to a remote party. This model is simple to get started but has limited possibilities for reliability and message delivery guarantees. For instance, the point-to-point message exchange model relies largely on the reliability of the underlying transport for delivering a message.

Remote Provider

A remote provider, also called a messaging provider, is akin to a messaging server. The messaging provider takes a message sent by an application and holds on to it until the message has been successfully delivered. The application itself may be active or quiescent, but the remote provider continues to try to deliver any messages that the application has sent and to receive any incoming messages on the application's behalf. When an application comes up and establishes a connection to the remote provider, messages received by the provider for that application are delivered to it. All messages sent through a remote provider are logged for perusal later. APIs to work with the remote provider are in the javax.xml.messaging package of the JAXM API.

Provider Admin Tool

The JAXM provider administration tool allows users to make changes to the provider configuration. It is expected that the main users will be Systems Administrators, but anyone who needs to change the configuration for the provider can use it. Instructions for starting up the provider administration tool are at JWSDP_HOME/docs/tutorial/doc/JAXM.ws.html in the section "The Provider Administration Tool" in the JAXM tutorial.


This release contains the following sample applications. Instructions for running the sample applications are at JWSDP_HOME/docs/tutorial/doc/JAXM.ws.html in the section "Running the Samples" in the JAXM tutorial.


Please send feedback on this JAXM 1.1 release to jaxm-feedback@sun.com.