A Unified Model of Internet Scale Alerting Service

Institut für Informatik
Report B 99-15
October 1999

Annika Hinze, Daniel Faensen
Institut für Informatik
Freie Universität Berlin
Takustr. 9, D-14195 Berlin



In the last years, alerting systems have gained strengthened attention. Several systems have been implemented. For the evaluation and cooperation of these systems, the following problems arise: The systems and their models are not compatible, and existing models are only appropriate for a subset of conceivable application domains. Due to modeling differences, a simple integration of different alerting systems is impossible. What is needed, is a unified model that covers the whole variety of alerting service applications.
This paper provides a unified model for alerting services that captures the special constraints of most application domains. The model can serve as a basis for an evaluation of alerting service implementations.
In addition to the unified model, we define a general profile structure by which clients can specify their interest. This structure is independent of underlying profile definition languages. To eliminate drawbacks of the existing non-cooperating solitary services we introduce a new technique, the Mediating Alerting Service (MediAS). It establishes the cooperation of alerting services in an hierarchical and parallel way.

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