Combining Even Notification Services and Location-based Services in Tourism

Institut für Informatik
Report B 03-06
March 2003

Annika Hinze, Agnes Voisard
Institut für Informatik
Freie Universität Berlin
Takustr. 9, D-14195 Berlin



Today's mobile devices allow end users to get information related to particular domain based on their current location, such as the fastest route to the nearest drugstore. However, in such Location- Based Services (LBS), richer and more targeted information is desirable. In many applications, end users would like to be notified about relevant events or places to visit in the near future according to their profile. Last but not least, they do not wish to get the same information many times unless they explicitly asked for it. In this paper, we describe our system, TIP (Tourism Information Provider), which delivers various types of information to mobile devices based on location, time, profile of end users, and their history, i.e., their accumulated knowledge. The system hinges on a hierarchical semantic geospatial model as well as on an Event Notification System (ENS).

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