FU Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Institut für Informatik

Vortrag des Informatik-Kolloquiums

Internet and WWW Security

Prof. Richard A. Kemmerer, University of California, Santa Barbara

The growth of the internet and the World-Wide Web during the past few years has been phenoment. Most every business and government institution has a web page, and the web and web browsing are fast becoming the primary source of information for people of all ages. Unfortunately, the web was designed with little or no concern for security. In addition, Java applets, which are designed to be downloaded from the web and run directly by the Java virtual machine within a browser, are also increasingly being included in web pages to provide more sophisticated animation and other desirable features. Downloading and executing code from anywhere on the Internet brings security problems along with it. Secure Internet computing can be achieved only through systematic design.

This talk will introduce some known threats to secure Internet computing and analyze protection mechanisms and techniques for countering these threats. it also introduces proposals for secure web browsing, including the use of smart cards for secure web transactions.

Richard A. Kemmerer ist Professor am Department of Computer Science der University of California, Santa Barbara. Seine Fachgebiete sind Softwaretechnik und Datensicherheit. Er war Herausgeber der ACM Computing Surveys und ist gegenwärtig Hauptherausgeber der IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 1998 war er Vorsitzender des Programmkomitees der 20. International Conference on Software Engineering in Kyoto. Als Mitglied des System Security Study Committee des National Research Council der USA war er maßgeblich beteiligt an der Erarbeitung des Berichts "Computers at Risk - Safe Computing in the Information Age". Sicherheitsmängel im Internet stehen im Mittelpunkt seiner aktuellen Forschungstätigkeit. Zu diesem Thema wird er auf der diesjährigen Tagung "Softwaretechnik" in Paderborn einen eingeladenen Vortrag halten.

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