FU Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Institut für Informatik

Vortrag des Informatik-Kolloquiums

 Vergleich der den Mathematikunterricht bestimmenden Faktoren in verschiedenen Traditionen, insbesondere in ostasiatischen und westlichen Ländern

Prof. Dr. K.-D. Graf et al., FU Berlin

In an era of globalisation in economy, science and even daily life, the interest especially in Asia, in Europe and in America is growing to understand each other's abilities in mathematics and to learn from each other on how to develop them. To bring this about there is a need for a general and fundamental view of the whole system of mathematics education in the two regions, determined by mathematics as a science and as a technique on one hand, and school as a social and cultural environment on the other hand. Analysis of theory and practice of mathematics education in history and at present will have to take much room in a comparative study. It will be rewarding, however, to look to the future as well. This means a comparison of future programs, which hopefully relate to findings from practice in the classrooms. Rapidly developing informarion and communication technologies have already had an enormous influence on the character of mathematics education and this will continue. The study should compare actions taken relating to these developments, research about the effects and last but not least critical considerations on mathematics and its applications.

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