04 Grounded Theory Methodology 1 (Lutz Prechelt)

1Grounded Theory Methodology (GTM) vs. Grounded Theory (GT); GT example: Quality Experience
2types of data for GTM; 3 schools of GTM: Glaser, Strauss/Corbin, Charmaz; GTM overview: key activities and notions
3Theoretical Sensitivity; example: Pair Programming (PP) recordings
4PP scene ZA4-280; possible aspects to pay attention to; Memoing; transcription
5Transcription of ZA4-280; recap
6Open coddings for ZA4-280; Theoretical Codes: code illocutionary acts; line-by-line coding; iteration
7Higher-difficulty Theoretical Sensitivity: PP scene ZB7-25
8PP scene ZB7-25: Why it is difficult; 6 techniques for enhancing Theoretical Sensitivity (basic questioning; word-by-word coding; theory memos; multiple meanings of a word or phrase; what if?; red flags)