# A RELAX NG compact syntax pattern for text augmented by
# linguistic preprocessing

# The namespace used:
namespace aug = "http://www.purl.org/net/ties/schema/augment"

# The start element. Augmented text contains any number of suitable subelements.
# It can be embedded within any XML elements from outer namespaces.
start = ( AugmentedText | OtherOutsideContent )
AugmentedText = element aug:augment  { TopLevelContent* }

# The content (allowed subelements) of elements:

# At the outmost level, any elements are allowed (the sentence element is
# optional).
TopLevelContent = ( Sentence | InlineContent | OtherContent )

# Any elements except sentences are allowed as inline content. Sentences can
# directly contain POS elements, e.g. punctuation; constituents can recursively
# contain themselves.
InlineContent = ( Constituent | POS | OtherContent )

# Other Elements from this namespace (in alphabetic order):

# A sentence constituent:
Constituent = element aug:const {
  TypeAttribute,    # required attribute
  InlineContent+    # must contain one or more suitable subelements

# A part-of-speech (word or other token):
POS = element aug:pos {
  TypeAttribute,                             # required attribute
  NormalAttribute?, SegmentationAttributes?, # optional attributes
  text                                       # the actual word or token

# A sentence contains one or more suitable subelements:
Sentence = element aug:sent { InlineContent+ }

# Elements from other namespaces:
# Any elements from other namespaces are allowed, as long as they embed the
# elements from this schema in the appropriate way. This allows embedding
# augmented text in any kind of XML documents.
# No other elements are allowed in POS (which contains only a text token).

# Outside: can contain any mixed contents and our start element as well as
# top-level elements (so the start element is optional for embedded augmented
# text).
OtherOutsideContent = element * - aug:* {
  ( text | OtherOutsideContent | AugmentedText | TopLevelContent )*

# Any elements from other namespaces are allowed, as long as they embed the
# elements from this schema in the appropriate way. Sentences and constituents
# cannot directly contain other sentences, but embedded foreign elements can
# (e.g., footnotes).
OtherContent = element * - aug:* { AnyAttributes, TopLevelContent* }

# Other elements can contain any number of attributes
AnyAttributes = ( attribute * { text } )*

# Attributes (in alphabetic order):

# The normalized form of an element (when different from the textual content).
# Can contain pipe-separated alternatives, e.g.:
#   <pos type="PRF" normal="er|es|sie|Sie">sich</pos>
NormalAttribute = attribute normal { text }

# Compound segmentation (relevant for German texts).
# Example: <pos type="NE" normal="Rettungsroboter"
#     segments="rettung s roboter" normalSegments="rettung roboter"
#     baseSegment="roboter">Rettungsroboter</pos>
# Normalized forms can contain pipe-separated alternatives, e.g.:
#   <pos type="NN" segments="wettbewerbs aufgaben"
#     normalSegments="wettbewerb aufgeb|aufgabe" baseSegment="aufgeb|aufgabe"
#     >Wettbewerbsaufgaben</pos>
SegmentationAttributes = {
  # Whitespace-separated list of segments
  attribute segments { list { text+ } },
  # Whitespace-separated list of the normalized form of segments (when known)
  attribute normalSegments { list { text+ } },
  # The normalized form of the main segment
  attribute baseSegment { text }

# The type of an element. The value "other" indicates an element that
# could not be classified (so no mixed content is required).
TypeAttribute = attribute type { xsd:NMTOKEN }

# Not part of the schema (preprocessor/language-dependent): Enumerations
# of attribute values, e.g. attribute type { "nc" | "vc" | "pc" }.