Date |
Lecture 14 c.t. |
Colloquium 16 s.t. |
Location |
04/24/06 |
Tom Liebling, EPFL Lausanne
Grains and Triangulations |
Johan Nilsson, University of Aarhus
The Order Dimension of Outerplanar Maps |
TU |
05/08/06 |
Christian Scheideler, TU München
Random Processes for Robust Distributed Systems |
Maike Buchin, FU Berlin
Computing the Frechet Distance between Simple Polygons |
HU |
05/15/06 |
Günter Rote, FU Berlin
Minimum-Weight Triangulation is NP-hard |
Kevin Buchin, FU Berlin
Acyclic Orientations of Drawings |
FU |
05/22/06 |
Horst Hamacher, TU Kaiserslautern
Decomposition of integer into consecutive-1 matrices and applications | -->
Heiko Schilling, TU Berlin
Length-Bounded Cuts and Flows |
TU |
05/29/06 |
Fritz Eisenbrand, MPI Saarbrücken
The Stable Set Polytope of Quasi-Line Graphs |
Oliver Klein, FU Berlin
On Reference Points and Applications |
TU |
06/12/06 |
Angelika Steger, ETH Zürich
The Sparse Regularity Lemma and its Consequences for Random Graphs |
Eric Fusy, Laboratoire d'Informatique (LIX)
Counting unrooted maps using tree-decomposition |
HU |
06/19/06 |
Graham Brightwell, London School of Economics
Counting Unions of Combinatorial Structures |
Clemens Huemer, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Gray Code Enumeration of Plane Straight-Line Graphs |
TU |
06/26/06 |
Peter Sanders, Universität Karlsruhe
Algorithm Engineering - An Attempt at a Definition |
Gregor Wünsch, TU Berlin
Reducing the Optimality Gap of Strictly Fundamental Cycle Bases in Planar Grids |
TU |
07/03/06 |
Günter Rote, FU Berlin
Proportional elections, network flows, and matrix scaling |
Stephan Hell, TU Berlin
On the number of Tverberg partitions |
FU |
07/17/06 |
Johannes Köbler, HU Berlin
On the Complexity of Graph Isomorphism and Related Problems |
Christian Liebchen, TU Berlin
The Zoo of Tree Spanner Problems |
TU |