Lectures and Colloquia during the semester
July 8, 2002
Technische Universität Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 136
10623 Berlin
Math building - Room MA 042
- map -
Lecture - 14:15
Günter Ziegler - Technische Universität Berlin
f-Vectors of 3-Spheres and 4-Polytopes
Steinitz (1906) gave a complete characterization of the f-vectors
(f_0,f_1,f_2) of the 3-dimensional convex polytopes:
They are the integer points in a 2-dimensional convex polyhedral cone.
His result is remarkably simple; it is easily extended to the
larger generality of strongly regular cell decompositions
of the 2-dimensional sphere, and of Eulerian lattices of length 4.
The analogous problems "in one dimension higher",
about the f-vectors (f_0,f_1,f_2,f_3)
and the flag vectors (f_0,f_1,f_2,f_3;f_{03})
of 4-dimensional convex polytopes,
and of 3-dimensional regular CW spheres, are by far not solved, yet.
They are in essence problems of 3-dimensional geometry!
However, the known facts and available data already show that the
answers will be much more complicated than for Steinitz' problem. In
this lecture, we will summarize the current state of affairs. We
highlight the crucial parameters of fatness and complexity.
Recent results suggest that these parameters may allow one to differentiate
between the f-vectors of
- Eulerian lattices of length 5 (combinatorial objects),
- strongly regular CW 3-spheres (topological objects),
- convex 4-polytopes (discrete geometric objects), as well as
- rational convex 4-polytopes (whose study involves arithmetic aspects).
Further progress in this context depends on the
derivation of new, tighter f-vector inequalities that
restrict the possible f-vectors of (rational) convex polytopes.
On the other hand, we will need new, more versatile construction
methods that produce interesting polytopes that are far
from being simplicial or simple --- for example, very "fat" or
"complex" 4-polytopes. In this direction, I will present in this lecture
(from joint work with Michael Joswig, David Eppstein and Greg
Kuperberg) constructions that yield:
- strongly regular CW 3-spheres of arbitrarily large fatness,
- convex 4-polytopes of fatness larger than 5.048, and
- rational convex 4-polytopes of fatness larger than 5-\varepsilon.
Colloquium - 16:00
Lisa Fleischer - Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
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